Why do we need sentences in order to send something ;-;
yo do you like Transformers? what is your opionon on the Michael Bay movies? I like the transformers movies they are so cool.
The solution to this is just typing < hfwbfewuifbwfweufvwfbiufbwi > but on a separate line of text and with no spaces.
Something evil’s watching over you
Comin’ from the sky above
And there’s nothing you can do
Prepare to strike
There’ll be no place to run
When you’re caught within the grip
Of the evil Unicron
More than meets the eye
Robots in disguise
Strong enough to break the bravest heart
So we have to pull together
No, we can’t stay worlds apart
To stand divided, we will surely fall
Until our darkest hour
When the light will save us all
More than meets the eye
Robots in disguise
Autobots wage their battle
To destroy the evil forces
Of the Deceptions
It’s judgment day and now we’ve made our stand
And now the powers of darkness
Have been driven from our land
The battle’s over but the war has just begun
And this way it will remain
'Til the day when all are one
Transformers, Transformers
Transformers, Transformers
More than meets the eye
yEs TrAnSfOrMeRs!!!
Autobots roll out
I forgor this account oh my god.
hello hi its transformers time
Autobots roll the carpet (they are redecorating the Ark)!
Yo this set came out now guys
Guys they made a real programmable robot Optimus Prime and he’s so epic
Converts automatically too
oh cool. 220 bucks prolly not worth it
yeah, the thing is hes like 800 bucks. Pretty high tech tho
no way they released Studio Series Wreck gar, suprisingly accurate
Yes it is imo
Ikr, but ye he’s super awesome technology
average studio seris costs like, $40 CAD, is that worth it?