The Ultimate Flowlab Crossover

Hi @“The Kodex” ! Im always down for a good cross over. Lt. Byobo is the main character from Omicron. Hes pretty well armed compared to a lot of my creations, but there are other characters from my other games (that I hope to eventually finish) that might be useful to you. Nina, from Nina Nano, a microscopic doctor. Hanoj from Purple Dunes, a child warrior from another dimension. Bob, the color-changing blob from Blah Blob Bob. And the zombie surfer girl from Zombie Beach Party. Let me know what youre interested in using when you get to that point.

@todorrobot Yes! Can I use all of those characters? If do, that would be great! Also I will try to see all of those games whe I can and I will use the sprites when in production of the game. Anyone else @“JR 01” @PixelPizza ? @grazer , Any opinion on this?

Updated Characters:

  • The Synthwave Rider (The Retroscape) by The Kodex

  • Lithios (A Tale of Light and Darkness) by The Kodex

  • Porky (Porky’s Nightmare) by Superstargames

  • T.0.D.D (A Box) by Rcreger

  • Sam (Decimation of Mankind) By Seamothmaster 45

  • Daniel (The Dead Rising) by GrimProductions

  • Hero Cube (Pixel Sports) By Superstargames

  • The Combat Car (The Combat Car Adventures) by The Kodex

  • The Juggler by the Tinkersmith

  • Byobo (Outpost Omnicron) by Todorobot

  • Nina (Nina Nano) by Todorobot

  • Hanoj (Purple Dunes) by Todorobot

  • Zombie Surfer Girl (Zombie Beach Party) by Todorobot

  • Bob (Blah Blob Bob) by Todorobot

Just a suggestion, if you’re planning to use one of my characters, a character from the rogues gallery could be useful as well? I imagine Reaper could play a fair part in tinkering with reality for a bit. Thanks for making this game btw, pretty cool concept!
Also, this quarantine has given me some more time, so if you need my aid, I may be out there. And I may also be working on a secret horror game set to come out in a few months… (=

Love to see it, and proud to announce ViperTeck Collab for this project! Whenever you want this set @browngr (Before or after) The events of your game is up to you, bit if you do not want to decide it shall be automatically set to after. Good to see you on here again, even of for a short time.

@“The Kodex”, with this whole quarantine going on, I’m sure I’ll be staying on here a little while longer, probably until Summer. I’m going to want to set this up before, for efficiency on both ends.

Okay, well it should not be to far away, and I will be sure to begin production soon, especially during quarentine. @browngr

hey @browngr long time no-see!

I have been making a rebooted version of the DoM series.

Hey great idea @“The Kodex” ! Could I help with making it too…?
I would like The Captain from Galaxy Trek and Serpent’s Hand from SCP:World’s End please

@meburningslime Awesome! Love to have more characters from different people! I will post an updated list of characters soon.

I know what character you NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to add…
But I can’t tell you until you beat the Final Quest (Copyright all rights reserved)
oh and maybe the Terraria Player?

I cant use the terraria player (BC copyright) But I will beat the Final Quest and add him in. @meburningslime . also this is a collab project if you went to help when it begins feel free to!

Please say you are participating in the forums and cooperate with others…
It’s impossible to do alone

@“The Kodex” The sprite I used is not copyright. And btw it would be classified as trademark not CR…

Either way, he could still get a lawsuit. Although I think it might be less likely.

No, these rules are what he has to follow, according to the terraria wiki.

@Superstargames as long as he gives credit and doesnt make money off of it, he’s free to do whatever he wants. I have researched this heavily before making my Terraria game.

Updated Characters

  • The Synthwave Rider (The Retroscape) by The Kodex

  • Lithios (A Tale of Light and Darkness) by The Kodex

  • Porky (Porky’s Nightmare) by Superstargames

  • T.0.D.D (A Box) by Rcreger

  • Sam (Decimation of Mankind) By Seamothmaster 45

  • Daniel (The Dead Rising) by GrimProductions

  • Hero Cube (Pixel Sports) By Superstargames

  • The Combat Car (The Combat Car Adventures) by The Kodex

  • The Juggler by the Tinkersmith

  • Byobo (Outpost Omnicron) by Todorobot

  • Nina (Nina Nano) by Todorobot

  • Hanoj (Purple Dunes) by Todorobot

  • Zombie Surfer Girl (Zombie Beach Party) by Todorobot

  • Bob (Blah Blob Bob) by Todorobot

  • Agent (Hack3r) by Browngr

  • Reaper (Hack3r) by Browngr

  • Serpents Hand (SCP: Worlds End) by Meburningslime

  • Captain (Galaxy Trek) by Meburningslime


To anyone willing or able to read this: This is for you.

We are the Serpent’s Hand.

We are a movement, unified by a common belief:

That humanity and all the other peoples of the known worlds do not deserve to be kept in darkness and ignorance.

The Serpent’s Hand doesn’t coordinate as a group. We are a loose collection of splinters. Our enemies tend to misunderstand this for instance, the Foundation’s obsession with L.S., a person most of us have never met. Or the Serpent’s Nest, with their shifting identities. Yes, they are all leaders, because they are people we respect, people we take advice from, and some of us will follow their plans. But they aren’t all of us.

There’s no special way to join the Hand. There are no secret rituals done in basements or closets. We hold no elections for our leaders. If you want to become a member of the Serpent’s Hand, all you have to do is decide you are a member of the Serpent’s Hand.

Most of us are ordinary people, though our enemies do not understand this. We are ordinary people who embrace the anomalous, the supernatural, the ethereal. We oppose its suppression. How can we not? Our friends, family members, and sometimes we ourselves fall outside of the bounds of normalcy. Every single one of us has experienced the anomalous. We are the things in heaven and earth that were not dreamt of in your philosophy.

To the heralds of traditional power such as the SCP Foundation, the Global Occult Coalition, and most world governments, the anomalous is a slowly spreading poison, threatening to destroy everything civilization has worked so hard to create.

But anomalous people are people, and the anomalous itself is not a threat merely for existing. Yes, it presents danger, but so do germs and meteors and forest fires. Suppressing knowledge of something will only make it more dangerous, and keep all of us huddling, frightened, in the dark.

When normalcy starts hurting the people who have to live under it, to try to cure a ‘poison’, normalcy is itself the poison.

The SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition are playing the role now that the Catholic Church played when they imprisoned Galileo for discovering that the world revolved around the sun. Their practices and beliefs are the death of knowledge, the death of science, the death of light.

Take the Wanderers’ Library as an example, the place where the Serpent’s Hand makes its home. The Library is the largest repository of knowledge the worlds have ever seen, the Holy Grail for those seeking to understand the preternatural. And yet, both the SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition have been thrown out of this place that welcomes all. Why? Because they tried to destroy it, or take it for themselves so no one else could have it. Because of this, they are condemned to blunder in the dark.

Everyone reasonable agrees that people should defend themselves against supernatural threats. But how can you protect yourself if you burn and bury the books and imprison or execute the people who could tell you how? Would you try to protect yourselves against nuclear weapons by telling everyone to pretend they don’t exist?

The Serpent’s Hand were barred from the Library too, once. There was a reason we could not re-discover it until 1967. But no more. We’ve learned from our mistakes.

To any members of the GOC and the Foundation who may read this:

We are growing so large because of you. We were more like you, once, just one more inbred secret society hoarding occult knowledge to ourselves.

Then the Foundation began increasing its scale. There have always been Jailors, but not like this, not in millennia. Yet, still, they kept themselves in the dark, with only their leaders ever knowing the full extent of the world on Earth outside the everyday. So they were tolerable, for a time.

But then came the Seventh Occult War, the Foundation Civil War. The rise of the Global Occult Coalition the Bookburners, the Big Brother and the grand-scale campaign against the paranatural community that followed. The Coalition became the oppressive shelter to which the cowards of the paranatural community fled. A shame that there were only 108 slots, and only for human-dominated organizations. Or perhaps not a shame at all. Our old selves did not seek membership then, and we are fortunate for that.

So the Serpent’s Hand rose up. Not out of desire, nor fear, but out of clear and pressing need. To keep all peoples from being chained forever in the dark.

We, the Serpent’s Hand, ask both of you this:

How many KTEs does the Global Occult Coalition catalogue? It must seem like the supernatural is a vast hydra two new heads sprouting for each that is cut off. How long will you keep cutting?

How many SCP items does the Foundation contain now? Two thousand? Three thousand? Five? More? How long before there is no more room for prisons to be constructed? Will you put the whole world in a containment cell?

You admit it to yourselves, privately. The anomalous is on the rise. You cannot hold back the future forever.

You are the monsters you are so afraid of. Let go of your fear, and join us in the light.

And if you will not if you keep imprisoning and killing innocents, if you keep forcing the world to stay in the dark then you will meet the fate of all the slavers and murderers in the worlds’ history before you.

We will free those you keep imprisoned. We will rescue those you try to kill.

The Garden is the Serpent’s place.

We are the Serpent’s Hand.

~ M.
The Wanderer’s Library, 2014

@“The Kodex”