so the bug is that the attached is not working I think it might be the timer though. Here’s the link to my game. also here’s is an image of my problem.
And the object that won’t work is the tutorial in the use interface.
so the bug is that the attached is not working I think it might be the timer though. Here’s the link to my game. also here’s is an image of my problem.
It is the X and Y input on the attacher. You can use the Attach Point button on the attacher, for a much easier way.
but there is a limit on how far you can go left or right when you use the attach point on a large object.
I’m on mobile so I can’t check right now, but the X/Y needs to be set after the attachment is on. So make sure that’s happening
ya the timer makes it so that the x/y can be activated before the attacher is turned on.
I found out thats its better just to not use the attacher but to use the spawner instead. so I guess the problem was the attacher?
It depends on what you’re trying to do. Spawn and Attach serve very different purposes
Both behaviors work perfectly fine, any issue you’ve encountered is likely a coding error.
Oh that makes sense as even when I got the attacher working the object disappeared instantly.