Timer delay malfunction?

So, I don’t actually know if it’s normal or a bug (because I hardly ever used delay on a timer)

I had a little mechanic involving a toggle that makes one path delay a timer and the other to not delay it. The thing is that I switched to test the delay path (went through once) and then I switched back to the “no delay” path (also went through), but it acted like the timer never existed. I toggled back and forth and the timer didn’t work anymore (code was still there)

If delaying the timer doesn’t make it work anymore is normal, well at least I got to ask something about it.

The delay input is the same value for the time. Think of it more as a “update” input. Changing the delay will change how much time between outputs.


Oh so it was for putting a number on there?

Well this is what I get for underusing it
Thanks for the info!