I have a forum for the game here. check it out!
This forum is for feedback and reviews for Toad Goes to The Store to Get a Nintendo Switch
Post any feedback or reviews here!
edit: any suggestions for updates must be posted on the forum for the game.
Like, seriously. You DONT need all these:
You can literally just place a ceiling above it as a method of keeping the player in…
Like, sheesh, CHILL. There are far better ways of bombarding the player with projectiles besides LITERALLY FRYING THE CPU.
ok i will fix.
also i tried to make the volcano level hard by placing random blocks i dont see how volcano level not hard.
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fixed it.
now level 1 has less bombs and no lag! (if lag happens check your internet)
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Also it’s not starting the next level
*edit *
It did start the next level, you should just make the player wait less
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done! now the player waits five seconds before next level starts! let me know if there’s anything else i could change to make the game better
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Maybe just make it collide with a block to go Next Level
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you know what? im just gonna make a message pop up saying to click the button to go to the next level (i already have code for the taxi so that the taxi moves and music plays)
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October 25, 2021, 6:32pm
and done! now the player can click the button that pops up with the message to go to the next level! and while the game waits for the button to be clicked, the player can hear some amazing music! (im being serious, the music really slaps.)
October 25, 2021, 6:35pm
thanks insert random funny message here because the post has to be at least 20 characters
Ah, yes…
The 20 char limit…
You just need to type something, then put this below: < >
You have to put something in it, though.
Like this: < ggggggggggggggggggg >, but without the spaces.
It has a couple rules: No numbers, no symbols, no spaces.
Here’s an example:
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Yes that is true but please don’t revive dead topics