Top down game help!

Can someone tell me how to make a top down game? Cause i dont know how to, soooo help please


simple, just make a and d move you to the right with velocirty and make the up output go to 0 velocity x, then do the same for w and s.

figure it out yourself!
practice makes perfect and you can always look up tutorials
plus, you cant just ask the community for an obscure topic with no details

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While practice makes things better (If you practice properly), you can still ask the community for help when you need it.

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Uh huh and i needed help figuring out how to do a top-down game

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What do you need help with? The art, movement, or something else?

just follow what i said

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Well both art and movement but Galactian has informed me how to do movement (THANKS BTW) sooo how do i do art for a top-down game?

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it depends on the style of the game
This guy has incredible videos for pixel art, i highly recommend them.
Pixel Art Class - Top Down Style Analysis & Tutorial

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Just do this here

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i already explained the movement to them, but i guess this does show them it if they are struggling with it. There is an issue with that code though. You shouldn’t mix the 0 velocity of the x and y.


FYI my pronouns are She/Her can you please use them? That would be great thanks!

Did the video I sent you help?

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Unfortunately it was blocked on my cromebook :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear: :pensive: soo no sorry

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It was a video by AdamCYounis, he’s a really talented pixel artist and great at explaining things.


I will try and see if i can watch it later on something else

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