Tower Defense Prototype

I’m working on a name right now, but the base mechanics are there. This is a tower defense demo inspired by Kingdom Rush and Pixeljunk Monsters. What do you think?


That’s pretty fun. It could use animations for the enemies and it would be cool if there was waves and big bosses.


The enemies will have dedicated sprites when I get to the design part of the game. There will be bosses eventually but the game definitely needs waves. Thanks for the feedback!


this was pretty fun! I feel like I see tower defense games so rarely on flowlab. Would love to see a polished, finished version :slight_smile:


That I can do :+1:. I have the game mostly planned out. Just have a few things left and then it is go time

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I have been working on the game whenever I have the time. Level three (the second-to-last level in world 1), is about midway through development. I have the tower sprite of the arrow tower (the red one) done and I like the way it looks. I am working on in-level tower upgrades (each tower will have 2). A few small visual updates: shadows for trees, upgraded the water, and the aforementioned arrow tower sprite.


Today I added a tower sprite for the rock slinger (green). I also added upgrades for the ballista (red) and rock slinger towers. They shoot faster with bigger upgrades.


include images in your devlogs to make it more interesting!

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Nice! I love most tower defense games and this one is no exception!

I don’t know why, but I love to play defense related games