Transformers ()

Transformers is definitely going down hill. They add just about everything to Fortnite, soon it’ll end up being the next smash bros with characters from every genre and theme.

I just stick with the traditional g1 series as that was back in the day when life was much more simple.


@paisleypug thx my first fave is majora and wind waker and second faves are phantom hourglass (because of a childhood growing up playing it on the DS not because of quality) and botw


pretty much same but some of the new stuffs be noice

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noooooooooooooooooo I’m basically crying rn
No Sad GIF - No Sad Frustrated GIFs

True. It is already just smash bros. with cars, guns, and building added. I think the Fortnite addition is just to promote Rise of the Beasts.


I mean, it has very good action scenes and making the layer movies intense, but in terms of plot, it’s all over the place and I’m very much lost on if the movies are supposed to align, and if not, why are they making so many different variations of transformers in their own universe. Just stick to a series and continue it instead of just kicking out different versions.

I heard that the RotB movie isn’t a continuation of bumblebee, then I heard it was, so I don’t really know.

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This Lorenzo guy is stuck in the past. The Bayverse is over. ROTB is a reboot, and I’m thankful for it. I’m a Bayverse fan btw and I love the explosions but I like good stories and lore too.

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I found myself a 2008 Armada Unicron figure for only $10. He’s missing some panels and a lot of projectiles, but he is still a great find.


I also got ahold of a vintage g1 power glide for the collection. Pretty good haul for the day.

The armada unicron is probably the biggest non-combining figure I own. Too bad he’s incomplete. I would send some pictures but I’m about to head to work.


best megatron design


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noice shades my dude

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Thanks I agree
Transformers Dancing GIF - Transformers Dancing Gangnam Style GIFs

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I went thrifting around today for my birthday and I ended up coming across a 2005 Cybertron Defense hotshot. Pretty good find. I also got a S.S. Son Goku figure and about 40 feet of slot car track for dirt cheap. I had like two slot cars I had found a while ago, now I actually have track for them, lol,

I also saw the original train set for transformers and I didn’t actually realize the train cars transformed. The caboose turned into a bird and the freight car turned into a base, with the engine itself into some sort of communications array. It was still priced at $30 and considering it was missing the track and one of the other cars, I didn’t bother getting it.


DAMN… when did blud join Transformers Studio Series? :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:

Super Saiyan Son Goku.

I’ve been watching DGZ for a while and I saw a highly detailed (and usually expensive figure) for dirt cheap at an antique store so I grabbed him.

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Oh ok. Epic

Transformers: Age of Minions


Cade Yeager

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You are not immune to propaganda. The Autobots are the bad guys.
