Updated to HTML5 but my game is still in Flash


It’s me again, I’m sorry to bother you all!

I’m trying to upload the game to itch.io since the web player here doesn’t work for my game (screen doesn’t fit and I can’t scroll) but whenever I try to embed it (I tried it on my own website too) it detects the game is Flash, therefore not working on any mobile devices I’ve tried so far.

Screenshots from my phone’s screen:
https://gyazo.com/3decb54914cd0e58f964fdaba270a05d (itch.io view)

My account is new and it’s updated, I also got a suscription, any ideas? Thanks!

I’ve tried with:

  • Embed code
  • RAR with index.html inside

Game url: http://www.flowlab.io/game/play/1230880


Hey @ellebuns - you weren’t doing anything wrong, I just hadn’t updated the embed page yet to move it to HTML5. I did that tonight, so all embedded games should play in the HTML engine now.