Walking animation trouble

Hi there! I was having issues with my sprite always facing right when walking. I have the left and right keys linked to the left facing animation and right facing animation respectively, but for some reason it will only register the right facing. Also, when it WAS able to register both, they were happening backwards. Any tips are appreciated! Thank you!


That’s because you’re never stopping the animations.

Even when I set it to stop when the key comes up I was having this issue. They’re set to the same priority as the idle animation as well, is there something I’m missing? :worried:

You’re flipping the sprite. You don’t need a left walking animation.

Either use flip or use multiple animations.

Yes, since you have a flipped animation and a non flipped animation, the flip behaviour is canceling it out. You only need one.

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Oh my god I feel so stupid AHAHA thank you :man_facepalming:


We’ve all been there, don’t worry lol

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