Wall jumping ( HELP )

For my new game, I used Pixel Pizza’s (Flowlab Game Creator - Wall Jump & Slide Example) Wall jump example. After a few errors, I can’t wall jump at all… Yay! Can you guys help me?

My game: Flowlab Game Creator - Simulation ZERO

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What were the bugs that you ran into? The wall jumping behaviors in PixelPizza’s example should work fine. Is your player More than one block tall? You might need to change the jump force.

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I changed the jump fore a my character is around two block tall. I did a bit of investigating, and found out that the ray cast for w left/right isn’t working.


It should 100% work, but it isn’t so should i report it as a bug?

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Maybe wait a bit. If we can’t figure out what’s going wrong then yes, report it.

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