Welcome to flowlab!

This is a community for people who are new to flowlab.

Welcome to flowlab. Whoever is reading this I can’t talk to yall yet! It’s summer vacation.


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I remember a topic like this in 2020 (or 2021).
A burst of nostalgia for me. :slight_smile:


It’s not like the off-topic channel, it’s just a place to welcome new users!

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Yes mate it is lets see how many people are in this community when I come back.

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I just said “otc” I didnt say this is a otc

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But why did you say “otc” is the question.

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I’m kinda new, along with @swbm

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March 21 isn’t THAT new but it still sorta counts nonetheless.

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I’m new!

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Honestly my brain still sees you as new lol

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You’ve been here for basically a year.

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