Hello guys! This forum is what I call the place where people can share their ideas with me or where I ask questions (like I am now) this might change in the future, but for now I am thinking about making a game and I need advice for how the game could look like and maybe some suggestions!
- More Pixels
- Less Pixels
Less pixels can look more polished, while with more pixels, a lot can go wrong.
When you say less how much less is the good spot where the game looks polished while also looking good and impressive?
Gods of 5 style. I mean it’s my personal opinion, but with pixel art, I prefer pixel size 2. I feel like many pixel art games also revolve around size 2 too.
What would be the canvas size? (Pixilart site would be where I would be drawing them)
I think that depends on the thing you are making, for example, the game I am making, birds with bombs, has a 2x2 canvas even though I only use just above half of the total space. On another game I am planning, the characters are quite tall, so I will use a suitable canvass size. Though for most objects, I generally only use a 1x1. I start with Pixelart and see where I go from there.
For 1x1 size 2, do a 16x16 and then multiply it by 2. If you need more, resize until you find one that is just right.
Alright, thank you for the help!
If I have any more questions, I will put it over here for people to answer!
Most of the time, simple is best, since there’s less to go wrong, but if you want your game to go viral, you need to give it better graphics.
Yes but simple games can be nice too, like gof and stone cold steel.
- Increased pixel size does not equal better graphics.
- There’s really no such thing as a flowlab game going viral since the community is so tight knit.
I know, but it can.
So you say. It’s just a matter of time.