What happened to all my games

There was this one guy who asked me that since I have been making alot of game pages on forum, what happened to them all? So here I am going to example what happened to them all.
They got deleted. :pensive: Yes they got deleted, all those games got deleted. Here is why.
Everytime I would make a game there would be somewhere i would be stuck on, or everything would get messed up. I usually get low motivation and delete it. “this game is not good enough” or " Why would anyone wanted to play… :pensive: :pensive: yes I know you guys get stuck like this too(correct me if I am wrong) Well I hope everyone is not given up on game developing, all your hard work is for nothing. I really dont see no one active lately, not much anymore. Hopely you guys didn’t quit yet, hopely not. If we want to keep flowlab here for another 20 years we much keep making. I plan to make another game soon. I just got advice from Professional game developers! So I think I will be good. I hope you guys are still make games. :+1:



Take this inspiration when you lose your MOTIVATION for making games

Wait, is the Halo fangame you were working on gone too? Are all of your games gone :fearful:?

Sorry to upset you @John_Shrekinson but umm yeah they are all gone.
But the strange thing is that i dont know what happened to the halo fan game


Not very inspriating…

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Why though?


Well because I really dont know i dont feel anything

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I found it!

Just go into Game Levels to skip to the second level

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NICE but the problem is it’s not in my editor page


This could be an account issue or a website bug. @grazer summoning.

ok i guess thank you though

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You’re welcome!

I think when you delete a game, it can still be playable from the games list for a short while before it’s officially deleted from the archives.

I remember deleting a game, and was still able to play it a few days later.


Nooooooooooooooo Halo: Next Generation’s gonna be deleted possibly :fearful: :frowning_with_open_mouth: :cold_sweat: :cry: :sob: :scream: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:!

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grazer can just bring back games, this could’ve been a result of grazer accidently blocking all games in an attempt to stop someone from lagging the entire website.

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I wonder who the user who asked this is?
Normally to keep me motivated on making a game I make it about something that I want to do for myself, so even if no one plays it I can still be happy with the result I was trying to achieve

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There will be blood shed

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