What if i was to create a doors game?

dang wish i could work on the loading screen too I got a free account so I can only do some things


You poor person
(not financially I mean)


its fine im here still trying to make the dang shop


ok so i got some stuff out the way BUT DANG THE SHOP KEEP BEING IN MY WAY


Is it alright if you post the game so I can help you if you need any?

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sure give me a min let me add something

wait if you have a indie cant you just make a team?

I did try to make it to that if the player touches the key that comes with him then when it hits the door it will disappear then the door will open but maybe ill make it to where the player will have an inv and the key will go in it then when you touch a locked door it will disappear out of your inv I tried to do this later because I donā€™t know how to work a shop but I guess I really donā€™t got a choice at this point


Maybe. I donā€™t know if you will be able to join it though

Also if you want the key to attach to the player you need to have the key set up where on collision with the player, the key gets destroyed and once destroyed sends a message to the player via the destroy output. then have the player, either on collision or via messages, attach the key to itself. Just in case ^v^

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thanks ill keep that in mind


i donā€™t know i think I might stop making doors idk but its getting really messy so yea

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Iā€™ll make the attept to make Roblox Doors.

really? like you will try to make the 2d game?

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Yes, I feel like I can do it and with help from the community, I can do this!


well ok sure if you do need some help with coding or something just ask for my help and ill help