What is the best flowlab tutorial, I need to get up to speed?

I honestly get as much sleep, if not more, than most people do. I just don’t have a “Circadian rhythm” per se. Trying to force myself to go to sleep just because the sun is down would be as futile as trying to force myself to pee when I don’t have to pee.

It’s actually not that uncommon for people to have unusual sleep schedules. My body actually operates more on a 27 hour clock than a 24 hour clock. I still generally average 6-8 hours of sleep in any 24 hour period, just not at the same hours as everyone else.

And… believe it or not, people like me are necessary. You need to have some people awake and alert at 2 a.m. in case the proverbial poop hits the proverbial fan while everyone else is asleep.

It’s no real surprise that many of my online friends are overseas in different time zones. They’re always asking me, “what time is it over there? shouldn’t you be in bed?” I guess so, most people are, but I’m not. I’ll be going to bed later, probably after the sun comes up.

Anywho… getting back to the original topic. I want information pinned and archived. All the information. I don’t care if it’s 1000 pages long, if it’s relevant to helping me get better, I want to read it. What I don’t want to do is spend hours doing searches for a bunch of articles that don’t even pertain to the subject I’m trying to learn. E.g., “how to make a shooting gun in Flowlab” and Google says “did you mean how to shoot a gun?” and directing me to a bunch of websites about guns and videos of people shooting guns :man_facepalming:


I think you’re the only one with this problem still

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You might be right. There aren’t really that many people on this forum, unfortunately. Flowlab is not as popular as it should be.

While probably 40% of the people I know IRL play video games, I don’t think any of them know how to make video games. If any of them (other than me) were ever so inclined to give it a try themselves, they could certainly benefit from more in depth tutorials.


Hey, @TGW have you checked the Help/Resources page?
Flowlab Game Creator - Flowlab resources
(@AbstractGallery already posted this link, but it may have gone unnoticed)

It has Tutorials, game examples, a Behaviors handbook (which explains each behavior), an Essential Guide, etc.

You might find it useful.


I have, yes. The original tutorial videos are awesome. The behaviors handbook stuff… I would like a bit more detailed explanation for those.

I know that all may seem like basic stuff for most people, but I still struggle trying to make things work right. Like if I want X to toggle only when Y button is pressed and Z conditions are met, I half to try a dozen or so different combinations of switches and timers and filters and logic gates before I finally get it to work the way I want it to.

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I did make a flowlab wiki that’s small right now but it’s still there.

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And I added to it is that ok

I did just see a link to a wiki (might have been yours)

A full wiki would be awesome. I’d be happy to contribute to it once I know more of what I’m doing here.

It’s just funny how different this forum is vs. the last forum I was on. There, they would get mad if you asked a question that had already been answered, they would tell you to look it up yourself and they would refer you to a post that was 2 years old. Or if you started a new discussion that was the same as something that was discussed 2 years ago, the moderators would merge your post into that thread.

Versus here, we are encouraged to ask questions and discouraged from necroing old threads. :laughing:

I remember getting yelled at by people on my last forum for asking a question. They would say “this was answered 2 years ago!” and they would send me the link. And I would say, “yeah, but there have been at least a dozen or so updates since then, I didn’t think that information was up to date, and I didn’t want to necro an old thread”… they told me “search before you post! Stop cluttering up the forum with new threads.” Okay then.

So then I would ask in the old thread, “is this information still valid?” and someone would say “idk prolly not” and someone else would say “holy necro batman!”


I like a good solid vetted wiki site. That way I don’t have to bother anybody when I have a question about something that should be simple to implement.