Who wants **PRERELEASE ACCESS** to the upcoming version of Flowlab?


I’d like this if it’s still going! :slight_smile:


IgorsBrain: you have been upgraded.

When working in the User Interface layer, behaviors under the Properties label (e.g. Position, Rotation and Alpha) are not present.

CandyToast and Super_Spring2688: you have both been updated - let me know if you encounter any problems :slight_smile:

As for what’s new: There isn’t much new to show, the interface is tweaked some, but most of the changes are inside the engine. New features will be showing up soon though, once the new build is stable enough to release to everyone.

Hey grazer, i’ve decided that now that i’ve got the basis of my game for college, i can easily recreate it within the new engine (i’ve got screenshots for all the entities too to make sure;)) so i’f you’re still able to, i’d love to try out the new version! :smiley: Also if you could point me in the direction of some help for making something “respawn” that would be great :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT: if there’s any chance of me getting updated, if it is at all possible could it be done around/after 12pm GMT? this insures that my presentation of what i have so far is fine and i don’t have to rush out a rebuild in the newerish engine :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks anyway Grazer!

Sounds cool, could I try it, if its not too late. Thanks!

Hey a96217 & leonknighte - I have upgraded both your accounts. Please let me know if you see any issues :slight_smile:

Hi, I wish to have early access to the new version of flowlab please.

you dont, dalton

Ok, Dwill12345 - you have been upgraded.

If this still exists, me please :slight_smile:

Ok Matty - you’re good to go.

Hi @grazer ! I do! I’m so anxious!

I want to get of of the prerelease. i want to download a game i made


can i have the prerelease if its still going


I want access please! :smiley:

Ok, thanks