Why is my character sliding

In my game, the character moves through jumping, but when it hits the ground, it slides. I think it’s a bug because it wasn’t doing it the other day and I haven’t messed with anything, but I’m not sure.


when you stop holding a button make up go into zero on the x velocity,or just disable gravity and make a custom gravity system

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It’s possible that its the capsule shape hitbox, you could also input 0 into forward velocity as well to stop.

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If you link the game we can take a better look and understand the problem

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Post a link to your game so we can take a look

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okay, https://flowlab.io/game/play/1500932

Change the shape of the player to a rectangle

Its the physics of the player. To fix this, your players friction should be 50.0 and its density.


Welcome to the Flowlab Community! Please don’t revive dead topics because nobody likes that here. Don’t ask me why.


It brings back old posts to the top pushing down newer topics that require attention making it harder to notice them.


And Gamoog would know of all people not to, from experience of course.

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