Will there be 3d on this engine?

Whoa… this game is amazing!

Also, so that I could actually contribute, @“todorrobot” made a game that kind of looks 3D. It’s called “Laser Dave”.

i understand how “3d worlds” works, but i have no idea how they came up with it, or had the patience to create it. it took about an hour to set it up in my own game, just setting raycasts and messages to an object.

@GalaxianGames I don’t understand how todorrobot made that look 3d. it hurts my brain.

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@F3Art I do lots of 3d rendering, as well as drawing images that seem 3D. If you want, I could help you if you have a specific task.

@F3Art Laser Dave is all forced perspective and illusion. There is a horizon line that moves down “towards” the player with an “ease” making it go faster as it gets closer. Then the left/right vectors of the floor are only a 3 frame animation, plus a little tilt to the hands gives the illusion of turning in flight. Everything on the background (stars, city etc) is set to move the opposite direction of the player input, so when you press right all the background shoots to the left making it look like you’re flying around a city. The enemies spawn mid screen at 10% and then increase in size to 100% and can cause damage if you haven’t destroyed them by that point. Easy!

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Hi this is my second account my main account is @sab00031

I’ve made a pseudo 3D chase sequence with enemies and good-ish fake scrolling ground, feel free build upon this: https://flowlab.io/game/view/1511327

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It’s possible using raycasts

so we just ignoring this forum now?

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um umm um um um i gess

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