Will's Gambit (Deadly_Smile)

The dash is a low quality one that I like calling a boost, depending on your gun, you can shoot a lot of enemies whilst boosting.

also the game is to slippery

What do slippery controls even mean?

cant jump on this edge

it feels like you’re sliding on ice in sonic 3

Yeah I’m trying to make a fix on that.

how do you not know what it means?

Good, the game is supposed to be fast-paced anyway.

Well because it’s one of those things I know the meaning too but then other people see different meanings and it confuses me.

that makes it worse, and also in the ice levels in sonic 3 you’re supposed to slow down or else you will fall of a Cliff or hit spikes

It’s supposed to be fast paced though…

yeah but slippery controlled in a fast paced game is bad because the player could end up falling of a Cliff or doing something they dont want

Well then take fast reaction and turn around quickly before falling off

slippery controls, don’t you know what slippery means,

I searched up the “true” meaning of slippery controls, it’s when you slide a few pixels when you stop moving. But that doesn’t happen? Unless you’re talking about Panic Mode me and my friend here have experienced nothing slippery other than Panic Mode.

I’ve been able to turn quickly when on slippery floors, you can’t?

well then it flowlab, I had this experience before flowlab is a great way to code and make games but its not really a fun website to PLAY games.

Wait so are you talking about Panic Mode? Panic Mode is where your speed, boost distance, and jump height are all boosted and it’s activated when at half HP.

I can in IRL, but I was comparing it to the bloodshed in sonic 3 which is ice cap zone

no, I didn’t get into panic mode yet

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