Will's Gambit (Deadly_Smile)

Ohh I see, but in ANIMOSITY you’re able to turn before slipping or you can save yourself by “UP + SHIFT”

oh ok, so you meant for it to be slippery for a more challenging experience?

Oh, but even in normal I don’t seem to be slipperly. When I stop moving I don’t slide in normal so I wouldn’t be able to see what you mean unless we meet up IRL since that helps me understand a bit more.

Yeah basically.
I want the game to be difficult but you can still save yourself.

so super Mario kaizu but easy

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I guess you could word it like that.

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ok, I hope there will be a customization for the mask

Thanks for the idea! I’ll credit you for it.

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you should make each customization have their own stats, like one has more health, one has more attack, one has more speed etc etc…

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The piercer is a gun that could shoot bullets that pierce through enemies and walls!
Gun suggestion made by my god brother.

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When I get back from shopping the Piercer will only be able to pierce through things 3 times and then the bullet will break.

Also Adam btw extending the max hp in game will not be available.

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I never knew about that lol

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Slamming won’t damage enemies nor give invincibility frames unless you slam from 7 or higher flowlab grid blocks above now.

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bro found out about the spam slam :sob:

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ok then the other things

Changed the height to 5 Blocks instead of 7 because it seemed unfair and too hard.

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Justice for spam slam!

Factory themed tilemap!
I’m planning to actually work on the demo now, it’ll have 5 levels!


@Deadly_Stars @ManiacPumpkin @DWGAMEMASTER @BradenS @John_Shrekinson