Yay I found the epicness of trig

Among my peers, I am notoriously known for trying to skip a couple grades when it comes to math. I studied up on trig, and made this:


Nice, I’m in 8th grade and we should be getting to this soon (I flipped through my math book to see). We’re using Intermediate Algebra math textbooks, they’re slightly old.

Though, I tinkered with sine and cosine a bit last year with expressions and positions, but it can be done with any property.


Sine, cosine, and tangent are nothing new to me, since I have been using them in school for nearly 4 years. But the trigonometry that is new to me are cosecant (written as csc), secant (written as sec), and cotangent (written as cot).

Don’t worry though, those three trigonometric ratios are less common than sine, cosine and tangent. Plus, I learned them in Pre-Calculus, which is quite a long way from Algebra.


The game hath evolved. Play it and see how you like it! :grin:


There’s more to trig than just sin and cos. For example, atan2 is used a lot to find the angle between 2 points. This is what I have in my AngleTo and VelocityToAngle Bundles.

You can use different forms depending what you want to know about the circle.
Below is all 6 trig functions on a graph. Each have their own purpose depending on the answer that you are looking for.

Here is a deeper dive on how the Mathmatics works:
How does the orbit example work? - #7 by JR_01


Here’s something that will blow your mind,
here’s a live preview on how each function is used on the circle:

Personally, this live preview is fascinating to me because I can see how those function go to infinity from where it is on the circle. (sec, csc, tan, cot)


Sine is the Y of a circle,
Cosine is the X of a circle, or 90 degrees/half a radian ahead of sine

Tangent is the angle it takes to touch the circle just once, so I honestly have no clue how it works, but that’s what I know.

In terms of usability, it’s definitely nuts just how useful sine/cosine are. SBF uses the two to create a color effect, and Focus II use the two to create a rotation effect that lets the player orbit a certain point. Focus III flat out revolves (pun unintended) around it. Definitely integrate trig into your toolset because lord knows it expands what you can do in flowlab so much.


Yep, circles play a huge a role depending on what your trying to do.
As well, here’s a look at a few tests I and Brickcentric was working on earlier this year.
There’s a few more ideas I would like to try, but there’s no enough time.

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