Yorkie's Community-Made Flowjam, Theme: Spring: Prize! -- Shoutout Submissions Due 2PM EST


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Winner gets shoutout on my channel. And link to game (if you provide gameplay footage)


If @Yorkie2323 is ok with it, lol.

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Iā€™m fine with that

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Iā€™m an idiot and started the jam late because I forgot so I just finished making the character sprite, lovely :upside_down_face:


I can change the due date if You would like, shouldnā€™t hurt, there arenā€™t many people doing this jam. I donā€™t even know if anyone but you is doing it lol.

No, itā€™s fine, just saying how much of a lazy bum I am :upside_down_face:

lol, okay.

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Just a quick reminder all game submissions are due on the 31st (of march lol), any game submitted after will still be reviewed but you wonā€™t be able to win anything.

Other news, the rewards are:

  1. A shoutout on @meburningslimeā€™s youtube channel
  2. Play any of NordicStudioā€™s games early! (if you want to)

Canā€™t wait to see your guyā€™s games!


Reminder that on Wednesday, submissions are due!


ending the jam early, since itā€™s been exactly a week and I donā€™t know if anyone even participated in this lol

Game submissions due by 2pm EST.

I have school till 3 so I can turn it in like an hour late :upside_down_face:

Alright, thatā€™s alright.


This is game is pretty fun! Doesnā€™t fit the theme well but the gameā€™s art, and mechanics are pretty good!

(Will announce winner 5:30 EST)

only easy works right now and sorry for the theme***

Yes, I know.

the only thing we are working on right now is the rounds function for spawning enemies its a lot more complicated then i made it sound because we are doing it a specific way

Alrighty, thanks for submitting your game!

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Your welcome!

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oh and upgrades i guess but we might delete that