You Have No Friends

Hi guys,

I’ve finished my first short (but long to develop) game titled You Have No Friends.

It’s a 4 player battle game, with timed events. At the moment there’s only two, but I hope you enjoy it.

I know there’s a lot to be improved so hopefully in time I will improve it!

Have fun!

This is fricken’ cool! I love the look.

Wow no one answers you…i played your game and…wow, your art is 10/10

@RageDayz, please refrain from commenting on post over a month old (or grave digging). It’s most likely these users use another account or don’t use Flowlab anymore… Also its from 2017…

You haven’t really done this but just a heads up. Posting on several discussions can “Flood” the forums and push down discussions that would need help, so please comment things that add or answers the discussion.

Oh sorry i won’t! @“JR 01”

Np, I’m not at my pc rn so less clutter makes it easier to come back for discussions who need help.

Good game! @Crigence must see this.