Zoa and the Underground Gauntlet - Devlog

Update time! I create a sort of intro to the game with you descending down a tunnel to reach the cave. Haven’t created the story yet but that will come soon. Also, I changed the sprite of the destructible wall to be a more blobby version of the floor tile, only darker. That’s all :upside_down_face:

Introduction snippet :upside_down_face:


Another update! I have a few improvements and a brand new respawn system to show off. First off is the improvements. I changed up the layout of the first area so that it makes more sense as the beginning of the game (with only basic jumps and double jumps) The second improvement that I made is creating an elevator sprite. Just a simple gradient but it works. For the respawn system, I created checkpoints and when the player collides with them, it saves their position when they collided with it. Then, when you die, it uses those x and y coordinates to respawn the player accordingly. That’s all for today folks, see you next time :upside_down_face:

Aforementioned checkpoint :upside_down_face:
Screenshot 2021-06-14 202924

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how did i not see this topic, also you should make a demo like i am for my game

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Kind of important update! Two things to cover. Firstly, the game has music. Since I have free edition, I had to pick from the lovely music in Flowlab and found something that sounds half-decent. Secondly, I worked on the map for the game. Not too much but it is something. That’s all, see you next time :upside_down_face:

Snippet of level :upside_down_face:

P.S. The song name was Sector Not Clear and it was from the 6th album in the game music section :upside_down_face:


Looking good :+1:

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Also, I updated the worm sprite so now it has mandibles. It still looks like it ate a few too many bags of potato chips but now you can tell it is an animal :upside_down_face:


This is a major update. A lot of things have changed since the last update. Firstly and most importantly, the player now has health. I’m doing a heart-based system and after you die 3 times, the game goes back and you’re on a death screen. It needs a bit of tweaking but I’m really proud of it. The second update is the checkpoint system. I reworked the checkpoint system so that you can only save your position at a checkpoint only once per checkpoint. I also added a small chime and some text to show that you hit a checkpoint. The third update is that I have worked on the map. I extended it a little bit and added a future area that can’t be accessed right now. It can only be accessed after the player kills the first miniboss/boss. As you can see, there has been quite a bit of improvement, so keep checking in on this topic and I’ll see you later :upside_down_face:


Sorry to revive this topic, but is this game still being made?


It is in the process of being remade :upside_down_face:


I just realized that this game is released to the public :expressionless:
I thought it was off your game list :rofl:


And now I realize it’s a completely empty game :expressionless:


Understandable, have a great day.


I’m broke so I can’t private my games. Also yes, I deleted the existing level because it sucked, actually everything sucked. That’s why I’m remaking it :upside_down_face:


Update time uwu! I made running, small jump and high jump, along with a stamina system! I need animations but I have artist’s block so :upside_down_face:

Screenshot 2021-10-07 191506|93x169

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I haven’t seen MelloJello ever since i’ve returned to Flowlab


It’s been 10,000 years :upside_down_face:


They (he/she? we’ll never know) has returned from the bottomless pits of h(oof)ll


You shall never know. I am simply a spirit floating in the void :upside_down_face:


Ideas. I have an idea for the sprinting stuff and I wanted to run a poll to find out! :upside_down_face: So, I’ve been having trouble making a sprinting thingie so that it works with the high jump, and at this point I have given up. So, I was thinking, the abilities that you unlock will use the stamina bar but the sprinting and attacking can use currency that you pick up in the world (attacking only if you don’t have a weapon) This currency would deplete as you do the action. What do you think about that, I think it might work but it also might suck so :upside_down_face:

  • Do what I wanted to do :slight_smile:
  • Just make the stamina bar thingie work :slight_smile:

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