3d Drive, Polls, Updates, And Anything Else - Large Update - Sorry for the Delay!

Well, I guess it can technically be the same as a body shop. But what I meant was that a body shop can change how your car looks like trim and stuff. Paint shop allows you to change the color of your car, but you could add those in the same building since Body Shops also paint your car.
The Mechanic Shop can add attachments to your car like a better engine, spoiler, lift kits, etc.

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Sounds complicated, considering that you only move left and right, lol.

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I know that this seems like a lot for just a simple racing game, but I guess it’s mainly just for looks, lol.

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Oh wow @AbstractGallery what an honour, I remember making that game a while ago and i’m really happy loads of people have taken the “3D Shooter” View thing and made their own!

I got inspired to make it from Wolfenstein 3D:


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@ManiacPumpkin Maybe a place where you can type your name and get a permanent name tag, but then again, I may just add that at the beginning of the game.

Polls for which powers to add to the “power” shop.

Which power should NOT be included, I only want two.

  • Ghosting Power
  • Slow-Motion
  • Free Save

0 voters

@Baconcat008 @meburningslime @ManiacPumpkin @MetaNinja @The_Kodex @ShadowGaming @Greggo @rcreger @Cuts_ups @MrMcMemerMan

Ghosting Power, the ability to go through obstacles for a small period of time.

Slow Motion, Makes obstacles go in Slow-Motion for a period of time.

Free Save, Can continue playing after you hit an obstacle.

here is the best glitch ever

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How did you pull that off, lol?

if you almost crash and are on the right lane you can glitch out. And you can keep going

and go out of game area

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Ok, let me take a look.

It might take a few attemts to get it right

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Do you think you could take a video of it?

k, I’ll try my best

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Hey, I think I got an idea for making a helicopter. You could have it so you could only be hit if you were colliding with something at the bottom of the screen, so it knows that you’re on the ground and can be hit by cars, and if you’re higher up you can’t get hit because you’re flying and not colliding with something at the bottom.

(yes i still want to drive the helicopter)

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@MrMcMemerMan I give you permission to make a “3d Fly” with a helicopter, lol.

Hippity Hoppity your code is now my property

is there a way to tur microphone off?

Yes, before you start recording you can turn select if you want to have your mic and or camera off during the video.

You’ll have to give me credit of course, but I do suggest instead of just copying mine you should make your own code.

So this is the game that has Formula Raceway thing from Flowlab Allstars???

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