ARRTY's Kooky Insane Stuff (Art and Stories)[Feedback is Welcome!]

When did she say that?

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That’s what I have heard from pretty much every source or video about Hollow Knight I have seen.

I don’t think that’s true… Plus we don’t know a lot of things in hollow knight so my guess is those are just theories?

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I suppose that’s true.
Eh, let’s just agree to disagree on this on, it’s not the end of the world.

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Okay, bye!

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The Princess of Bellzium.


Demonlings Chapter 2 pages 11-13

Pages 11-13

I ran down the stairs and started searching through the desk’s drawers. Most of them were full of newspapers and random articles. Then I opened one and was…surprised? Scared? Terrified? Grossed out? Yeah, it was pretty creepy.
The drawer had some drawings in it made of black ink that depicted monsters with extra appendages, wings, large and sharp teeth, horns, and various other terrifying things. It also had a couple vials of liquid. Liquid that looked like…oh god…I think I’m gonna puke. One vial had a red, thick liquid in it. Another had thick, black liquid in it, and another had a glowing, green, thick liquid in it.
I didn’t know what the green and black liquids were but the red liquid…what the he-(CENSORED)?! What was my Mom keeping down here and why did she have blood vials and…oddly disturbing drawings in her desk?!
My breathing became quicker and more like hyperventilating, but after a few minutes I calmed myself down and decided not to open any more drawers. I still hadn’t found a key.
I decided to see if the computer had any information. It was an old timey computer, the ones that looked more like boxes with screens than computers. There was also a stack of…DVDs? Maybe? They looked like things that could be put into the computer, and a couple of flash drives. I picked up one of the disc things that had the word KEY on it(Gee, maybe you could’ve been a bit more subtle about it but it did take me like…a while to find it so I guess it did its job) and slipped it into the computer.
Nothing happened. Oh right! I have to turn it on…manually….I looked at the keyboard and noticed a button that had the triangle play symbol on it and pressed it. The screen took a few seconds before lighting up and starting to run.
The screen showed a loading symbol for a few seconds and then a video popped up. I used the mouse and clicked on it to start.
The video showed all four of the people in the photo in it, and my Mom as well. They were in someone’s house, as the background looked like a living room and they all were standing around the camera.
“Is it on?”My Mom asked, looking at the camera, questioningly.
“I think so,”The other woman said.
“Well then let’s get on with it!”The man with curly dark hair said.
“Alright allright, so viewer, which will probably just be us in the future, this is the key to the door,”My Mom said.
“Well, the password to the door,”The curly haired guy said.
“Yes I know Joshua,”Mom said.
“Anyways,”The twin to the right said,”This is code that you need to say in order to enter our research or secret hidden rooms.”
“Yeah, basically,”Mom said.
“Are you sure it’s safe for us to just put it on a disc and hope no one finds it?”The woman said.
“Come on Martha, it’ll be fine. You know how hard it is to remember passwords,”Mom said.
“Can we just say it already?”Joshua said.
“Yes I’m doing it. Be patient,”Mom said,”In order to enter you say the words, The Underground. In order to leave, you say the word…Thera.”
All five of them suddenly got a solemn look in their face but most of it faded away quickly.
“Should we really use her name as the passcode?”Martha said.
“Well she did get us out,”The twin on the left said.
“I know it’s hard to remember her but most people won’t be able to guess that,”Mom said.
“Alright yeah I think the viewer gets it. Let’s shut it off,”Joshua says.
“Ok, ok, I’m doing it,”Mom said and the video ended.
As the video ended I just stared at the screen. My Mom had quite the dark past. I had so many more questions and now I wanted to watch more of the discs but I knew I should leave.

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I made a couple gods/goddesses for Seraphil.

These are the Four Elementals, they are the lowest of the Kindred Spirits. They each represent a certain element, of the four that there are, Water, Earth, Wind, and Fire. The other elements include Bellzemon(The Spirit of Light, Magic, and basically the creator of the Universe) and Wen’kallon(The Spirit of Darkness, Shadow, Void, Evil, he also created many of the species of Seraphil), but they are the highest of all the Kindred Spirits and represent other things besides just Light and Shadow.


These are the designs for the main characters of The Heart Of Seraphil:
Wendyl and Mat


Demonlings Chapter 2: Pages 13-15

Pages 13-15

I climbed up the stairs and stopped at the bulletin board. I looked over my shoulder back down nervously before turning back to the board and saying,”Thera.”
The board slid over to the side and I walked back into the office. The bulletin board closed behind me and I walked back to my room.
As I layed in bed I could barely fall asleep, or focus on anything. Questions swirled around and around my head almost to the point where I couldn’t remember any of them before another one popped up.
Eventually, my body succumbed to slumber and I fell asleep.
Oh boy was I not ready for what awaited me next.
I woke up…or well, woke up in a dream. I had lucid dreams before so I knew what it felt like to have one and was able to identify it pretty quickly. Usually when I had a lucid dream I’d just go on an adventure or play some Tetris(except I would be really good at it) or something. This time though, when I snapped my fingers to make something happen, nothing happened.
“Not so fast,”A voice said, chilling me to the bone. It was the same voice I had heard when I’d passed out during the day, the one from the monster.
I turned around and directly behind me was the same monster version of me staring right into my eyes.
“■■■■ no,”I turned around and started running and desperately attempting to make something happen. The house disappeared and suddenly I was in some black void, I kept running regardless though.
The monster started running towards me as well and suddenly my running slowed down significantly.
Reason #1 why Nightmares (And I guess Lucid dream nightmares)
■■■■: You always run at -1000 mph
Then Ash and Jose popped up in front of me. Except Ash looked like the devil monster and Jose had two large dragon wings, sharp claws, horns that curled back over the top of his head, and blackish red eyes.
“You can’t escape your demon,”Ash said.
“What does demon mean?!”I looked behind me and that monster was almost at me. I turned to the left and ran that way.
Then the ground fell below me and I fell into the dark abyss.


I woke up and gasped. My heartrate was beating at 5,000 beats a second and my breathing was speeding and speeding up. 
I took a minute to breathe and calmed down. 
I got back up and started getting ready for the day. I put on a jade t-shirt with a black jean jacket and wore black jeans. 
I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen where my brother was already pouring himself cereal.
“Dad at work already?”I asked.
“Yep,”Sean said,”Y’know he’s chosen to work extra hours so he goes to work earlier so he can leave later and make it to…well you already know.”
“Yeah, you finished that chapter in your book?”
I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal and we both sat down at the table and ate. 
After we ate we put our bowls in the sink and started grabbing our stuff for school. I grabbed my backpack and filled up my water bottle. Then we both waited outside for the school bus to come. Though I usually walked back home after school since I liked to stay after school for a bit and just chill for a bit. 
Once the bus arrived, we walked on and took seats near each other. 
I was a little tired and tried to get some sleep on the bus, but lord knows you can do that. The bus was always bumping around and whenever it actually hit a bump the bus would fly into the air for a second and everyone would jump off their seats for a moment. 
After a couple of stops we eventually made it to the school. There were already some kids waiting on the steps up to the school. Usually the bus arrived about five minutes before the doors opened.  
We walked out of the bus and my brother quickly said bye before running off to a group of some boys around his age. I walked up the steps and took a seat on them about halfway there. 
Once school started I could barely pay attention to what was being said, since my mind was only focusing on what I had found in that hidden room. And before I knew it, school had ended and I was walking out of the school building.
A bunch of friend groups were talking together and just hanging out as they waited for the buses to come. 
I looked over and almost tripped on nothing, as I stopped dead in my tracks. I saw a girl with medium length, brow, straight hair, and a boy with black hair that slightly swept over his eyes. Ash and Jose.


The writing of Devilish Amusements is currently postponed/ending for now. I will still continue to write this. But I currently haven't been able to really find myself wanting to continue it. And I don't want to overload myself with three books. Apologies for anyone who wanted to see more of it. I'm still trying to find out exactly how I want the story to be structured as well. So for now, Demonlings and The Heart Of Seraphil will be the only series that will currently still be worked on. Though, hopefully, I'll pick it back up when I finish the sequel to Demonlings/the first book of The Heart of Seraphil.

Anyways, that is all.



Castra and her familiar, Furug.

This is a character I drew for The Heart of Seraphil. I haven’t figured out a lot about her except that she was from before the “Falling” happened and that she was a student at Bellzium Palace Academy. She also has a familiar, the little demon on her shoulder. Lowly demons can be tamed by Wizards and act as familiars to them. Hers is named Furug, a mixture of furry and slug.


Demonlings: Chapter 2 Pages 15-17

Pages 15-17

¨Nope, nope, nope, nope,¨I turned on my heel and started fast-walking in the exact opposite direction. No way was I going to possibly risk my life.
I started walking the long way home which really only required walking a couple other blocks.
What I didn’t expect was for them to follow me. Apparently they had noticed me and were now following me home. But like…they couldn’t have been more obvious about it. I had looked over my shoulder once and had seen Jose scramble to hide behind a telephone pole.
I continued to walk a bit and look over my shoulder every once in a while before starting to run.
¨Wait! We just want to talk!¨I heard Jose yell.
¨Not today Satan!¨I replied.
¨It’s about your demon!¨Ash yelled.
Suddenly, I stopped. Demon? Maybe that’s what my dream was talking about.
I turned slowly around,¨Wh-what do you mean about that?¨
Ash and Jose slowed down.
¨We can’t tell you in the open,¨Jose said.
¨Why not? You really think I´m going to follow the girl who tried to kill me and her friend?¨
¨Well-uh-yes??¨Jose said.
¨Well why can’t you tell me in the open?¨I asked.
¨Because it’s super top secret!¨Ash blurted out.
Jose looked at Ash in a weird way and Ash awkwardly smiled and shrugged her shoulders like, I don´t know.
¨Well if we´re on the topic of demons then how do you know I have one? Whatever that means,¨I asked.
¨We know because I saw your eyes,¨Jose said.
EYES?! Was this guy making assumptions because I have one brown and one yellow eye?! Ok, maybe I’m overreacting but…I mean come on what else am I supposed to think that means?!
¨What because I have Heterochromia?!¨I yelled.
Jose´s face showed that he realized his mistake in wording,¨No, no, no, that’s not what I meant! I think your eyes look beautiful! Wait-I mean-uh-not like that! I just-¨Jose covered his face with his hands, thoroughly embarrassed.
Ash sighed and said,¨That’s not what he meant. Your eyes weren’t like that. They looked like glowing green circles.¨
Is that what my green vision came from? If so then why did that happen? And that monster I kept seeing also had eyes like that…was I turning into a monster?!
I hesitated for a good while before saying,¨Fine. Where do you want to talk? I´ll just tell my brother I´m with my friends. But if you try to kill me-¨
¨Yeah we get it…sorry about that…¨Ash said.
¨You’re also going to explain why you tried to kill me K?¨
¨Yeah, alright.¨
¨Ok let’s go, follow us,¨Jose motioned with his hands.
I joined up with them and we started walking wherever Jose was going.
We all kind of stayed quiet and didn’t know how to start up a conversation.
¨So uh…what’s your name?¨Ash asked.
¨Fern. You´re Ash right?¨I asked.
¨Yeah,¨Ash replied.
That was the end of the conversation for a few minutes when we came up to a fence lining the forest preserve.
¨Wait, wait, wait, don´t tell me you live in the forest!¨I said.
¨Actually we do,¨Jose said.
¨Wha-what? H-how? Isn´t the preserve like monitored or something?¨
¨Well yeah. Just not very good.¨
¨You aren’t even afraid that most of the people that died were in the forest when they were killed!¨ Then I remembered something…something dark.
I remembered the photo of the creature and how Ash had tried to murder me, as some sort of monster. They also lived in the woods which is where the most murders had happened.
Jesus Christ, what if they were trying to kill me!
¨Hey Fern? You good? You kinda spaced out there,¨Jose said.
¨Huh uh…um…I…maybe this sounds uncalled for but…are you guys trying to kill me?¨I said.
Wow…that was the worst way I could´ve asked this. It’s not like they’d just say, Oh yeah. We´re trying our hardest to trick and murder you, no big deal that we just told you our plan.
¨Woah, yeah I guess we deserve that because of our first encounter, but trust us when I say…we didn’t kill any of those people or are trying to kill you. In fact, we´re actually trying to find out why it’s all happening. And I think we know why, but you have to come with us to know,¨Jose said.
¨Well………fine,¨I said.
Wait! Did I just say yes!? If I die today I´m gonna smack myself…wait.
¨Uh how do we get…y´know in?¨I asked.
There weren’t any holes or gaps in the fencing and the fence was decently tall.
¨You can climb right?¨Jose asked.
¨Sort of,¨I said.
¨Well good luck then,¨then before I knew it Jose climbed over the fence and jumped down to the ground.
Ash climbed up after him and jumped down on the other side as well.
I decided to get a running start so I backed up and tried to jump up and grabbed part of the fence. I managed to grab a hold of it and after some shaky climbing I got back over to the top.
¨Just jump down! It’s easier that way!¨Ash yelled.
¨Uh…ok!¨I attempted to swing over and jump but lost my grip halfway through and fell to the ground. Luckily the fence wasn’t high enough for it to do too much damage but it still hurt.
I quickly stood up and dusted myself off,¨Alright, let’s just go now.¨
Jose and Ash led me through the dense trees before coming to a small clearing. The one thing I wasn´t expecting was for there to be an old wooden house there.
¨This is your home?¨I asked.
¨Yep,¨Ash said.
I decided to ask something I hadn’t really thought about before,¨Where are your-uh-parents?¨
They both stopped and looked at each other.
¨They´re…gone,¨Ash said before quickly walking towards the house.
Jose followed after her without saying a word.
I guess I shouldn’t have asked.

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Slugcat rain world :upside_down_face:




The Queen of Bellzium

Alright, so this is another character from before the “Falling”. (Ya’ll will still have to wait before I explain what the Falling is). She was the Queen of Bellzium, which is the Wizard Kingdom’s capital. She is also the person who orchestrated the Bellzium Palace Academy and brought together all the demon species into a…somewhat “peaceful” kingdom…the kingdom known as Seraphil.


The Bronze Juah

“She was insane, the craziest out of all of them, but she’s the only one left now.”
~ Unknown


Gosh diddley darn she made too many FNAF theories and now she was seen as insane… even the people that liked her theories and made similar ones left her too. Sad…


New character! I also tested with some new lighting techniques.

This is Ashkim. And guess what? She’s from after the Falling. She is from the time that the series actually takes place in. She is a Wrath Demon and the daughter of the Queen of the Wrath Demons(Aka, the leader of the Pandemonium Clan), so she is next in line for the throne if her mother is ever killed in a challenge(Since her mother is otherwise immortal due to the ancient Fire Flower)
She will appear in the series, but not until much later probably.