ASTRONN - PixelPizza - It's back!

I think it’s pretty balanced, I didn’t get hit the entire time, if you get hit once it’s hard to break 13000.

For some perspective, when the first blasts come down in the layers I want to be at a multiplier of ~3.5, and a little bit into the first wavy lines I want a multiplier of 6. By the end of the first arrows coming towards me, I should be at 7.5-8


Right back at yeah, good luck beating this one.


This is such a cool concept and I’m glad it’s here to stay! The idea of a bullet hell where the player is on a fixed path like this is so creative, you’d think it would’ve been done by now. I adore the polish of the game and I think it’d be cool to see the game get more updates and be expanded. Maybe one day i will get the high score :relieved:


for some reason my game glitched and my high score isn’t what I have on the leaderboard please fix this


nvm it fixed itself :slight_smile:


how do ppl get such high scores i get multiplier of 8 by end of lines but still can’t get 7500


Heyo! Thanks for playing my game :blush:
And Thanks for reporting that, I need to look into it and make the game submit your high-score instead of your latest score :ok_hand:

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Oh yea I need to reset the Leaderboard, because the values were tweaked the scores arent right now


When you do I’ll be right there to take the top score! Really cool concept of a bullethell + the classic PixelPizza juice

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@hkge @CodeAlpaca Thanks for the motivation ahah! :heart:

I just updated ASTRONN! ASTRONN Ship Icon - Samuel Tomé Designer & Game Developer

I cleared the Leaderboard to make way for the new scores with the new multiplier.
You can now fill it with your scores and compete with others more fairly :slight_smile: :crown:

  • It now submits your high score instead of your latest score to ensure the Online Leaderboard always matches the in-game high score, as @hkge suggested.

  • Made the Retry button a 9-slice using my 9-slice bundle, to make way for other buttons that I want to add, like a Leaderboard button and a Start button.

  • You can now also play with a Controller (no menu buttons yet, but you can move and shoot)
    This has been on the game for quite some time but I don’t think I mentioned it so it’s part of this update now.

Here’s me showing the 9 Slice bundle and the new buttons!
All the buttons were made only using this single sprite (and the clicked sprite version), they can now be any size and I don’t need to redraw them everytime.
ASTRONN Button 9-Slice Spritesheet - Samuel Tomé Designer & Game Developer

Astronn Juicy Button Bundles - Samuel Tomé Designer & Game Developer

You can play ASTRONN here:

Check out my latest 9 Slice example (Still WIP but usable ahah)


Looks like a cool game! Nice work :+1:

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Thank you! @Beheaded_man Glad you like it :smile: