Backup OTC of Destiny

Depends on what your motive is, and if fearing being alone or something and suffering from something like that then it would be reasonable, but some people like to hope of some sort of safe haven or a zombie free world and those people will end up surviving, but then again at what costs.


True, that’d be a better option.

Well, I guess I’ll have a gun ready for the apocalypse, not for the zombies but for me :joy:

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Zombie apocalypse would not be a good scenario at all. But as long as I thought there were enough people left in the world who could be saved, to possibly salvage something remotely resembling normal life, that would be my main objective. Until all hope is lost, then I self delete.


Depends on what you think is the goal of life. For marxists and the like, die as fast as you want. For people who care about humanity, there’d be a large survival pushback I believe

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I’m a marxist I guess :man_shrugging:

Life can get bad sometimes, so bad that part of you might wish to just be done with it. But most lifeforms on the planet are guided by basic survival instincts. And these are innate, subconscious. It’s the reason why we experience the feeling of fear: fear is our body’s way of telling us to avoid danger. It’s also the reason why we experience aggression / adrenaline: it’s our body’s way of enabling us to ward off potential threats when we’re backed into a corner.

There are many people who would probably thrive in and even enjoy an apocalyptic scenario, because it would make them feel “more alive” than they’ve ever felt before.

Now, that’s not me… I enjoy the occasional adrenaline rush, but not doing things where I realize that my death might be imminent at any moment. I do not relish the idea of a zombie apocalypse at all. I’d prefer to live in a world where I have a good job and a nice house and I get to comfortably live out the rest of my days in peace. But in the case of something like an apocalyptic scenario… my primary objective would be to save and protect my friends and loved ones, and anyone else that I could potentially save.

It’s like if your house caught on fire. Your immediate instincts should be to save yourself and your family, then try to salvage as much of the other important stuff as you can. You know you won’t be able to save it all, which makes it an unideal scenario. But you will want to at least try.

Now, if my “house” is on the 55th floor and all the exits are blocked, and it’s clear that no rescue crews will be able to get to me in time to save me… well then…

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How long did it take to type that :joy:

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Also, the video is hilarious.

I can type fairly fast, I just had to put my thoughts in the right order, as I do take matters of life and death rather seriously (outside of video games, anyway… a video game character dies and respawns… people unfortunately do not have save files).

And I’ve always loved that song. The video itself is corny, but the lyrics are appropriate, and applicable to more than just card games.

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I’ve actually imagined myself in multiple scenarios. Zombie apocalypse, volcano, hurricane, house fire, etc., my #1 priority would be to make sure my girlfriend is okay and with me. Getting her to safety, then trying to grab anything else we might need. I try to keep the most important things within immediate reach.

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. There are risks in life worth taking, and others not worth taking. You risk anything for the ones you love. Not worth risking your life for material things.

Yeah, I probably went too deep with that. But my overactive imagination, I’ve imagined myself in actual apocalypse scenarios and have made mental plans already. I don’t plan on dying unless it’s inevitable (which sometimes it is). :slightly_smiling_face:


My ideal realistic apocolypse loadout would probably be a sawed off shotgun, a machete, and a handgun.


I remember this one time I was with my friends and we were having a conversation. It was basically like, “It’s a zombie apocolypse, and you’re trapped in a school. What do you do and why?”
One of us said the Art Room, because they have a guillotine paper cutter, and he said he would take the blade off the hinge and wield it like a sword.

What would you guys do?


That’s a solid setup for sure.

Weapons I have available… well I used to have a semi auto handgun which would have been nice, but I only had enough ammo to take out a few swarms. Otherwise, I have a baseball bat, assorted knives, rolling pins, etc.

Where I would go is my last job. Warehouse stocked with several years worth of food and water and toilet paper and batteries and probably anything else you’d ever need.


I’m homeschooled, so pistol, me dude! lol.


Zombie apocalypse, you say? Onyx blaster and an endless musket pouch for me :sunglasses:


Run around like a headless chicken.


Been playing Pokemon Shield, I realized how good the soundtrack is.