Ball Bounce Simulator - Update & Dev Team Discussion

Updates, I’m sooooo rich.


You probably don’t have too. I might just end up sticking with what I got since it’s very overpowered, plus is a system similar to yours except its automated, lol.

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Really like this game guys!

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Thank you. Yeah I plan on adding maybe ten or so different patterns (which there’s only two so far, but that way the game won’t be boring. Plus I can’t wait to start adding achievements and maybe I’ll add different save slots, which can allow you to have multiple games at once, but for this being a small game I’m not sure if I’ll add that though, but its a future possibility. I plan on making this game a little bit more enjoyable. (Definitely adding some more money upgrades soon.

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Yeah, since I made money saving a thing I kept play testing it and got like 20,000 in under 10 minutes and I was just testing out the new ball, lol.

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So I forgot that I’m a really bad artist while making this so just think of them as really quick design ideas. I didn’t really know what represents the game meant so here’s what I came up with.
Sorry for the bad resolution.

I was going to make an animation of the smaller balls orbiting the golden ball but my PC crashed mid way and it didn’t save…

Maybe this can be helpful in some way?


Actually, those are some great ideas. I’m actually debating on whether I should use the gold ball or the atom looking one. Maybe a mixture of both. Thanks for the suggestions.

No problem, I’ll focus on developing them both and when I reach a result I’m happy with I’ll show you them.
I’ll also come up with a few more Ideas too.
Also while I was digging around in your code I noticed that the courser is not hooked up and golden balls don’t play the hit animation on golden bricks.

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Yeah, I removed the curser cause it’s kinda useless on a mobile game and the gold bricks I’m not sure. I think I did it because the gold ball was supposed to make the blocks flicker yellow for a second, but I was using the color behavior so it kinda turns the blue blocks teal and I didn’t want it to do anything for the gold since it was already gold. I could try hooking something up later on. Thanks for noticing.

Can you link me? I wanna try it it’s been a couple days

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Here it is.

Also let me know if the fracture ball still lags on your device. I’m on computer so I don’t notice it, but one of my friends mentioned it so I tried my best to get rid of the lag, but I haven’t tested it yet.

I pressed continue even though I’ve never played after the save update and I got this

Yeah the final ball is kinda free at the moment, but I’ll change that later, lol.

Edit: Okay I removed it so when you load up your game again it should get deleted. Which if I were you I wouldn’t since its op, lol.

It doesn’t seem to do much though

It’s supposed to target all nearest gold bricks, once they are gone it will start targetting all normal bricks. Also it give times two cash. I’m not sure if its bugged for you or I messed up, but it seems to work great for me.

It doesn’t really do much

Other than that I love the game and my new second favorite idle game. I don’t even like idles and I thoroughly enjoyed this one

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Another bug:
I bought a million white balls now I can’t buy anything else

That’s because the money gradually increases each time you buy a ball so they get more expensive. Also you only have 500 cash and some of the other balls are pretty expensive.

You should be able to buy an anti-inflation power that decreases the inflation by 50% or something