Ball Bounce Simulator - Update & Dev Team Discussion

You watch he-who-shall-not-be named? I do too lol

Ok, So I Am So Confused

Aren’t we all.
Anyway let’s try to lean back on topic, lol.

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Aight I’ll go cry in a corner of loneliness some more.

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Haha! I Didn’t Even Realize What Topic It Was

Ok cool nice epic very nice

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Ok Then… I Guess I Am Cool, Nice And Epic!

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The new ball is done!

Its controlled by the player by clicking/taping.
I slapped on a few animations too.
Hopefully I didn’t make any mistakes.

Corrections: it might not be the “NEW BALL” but it’s an idea for one. Just have to wait and see…

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I love this game, and I love the save! By the time I click continue, I’m rich!!!

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I Love The New Brick Design!!!

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Okay I added some new updates to the game. I had some complaints about the fracture ball frying any mobile device and it also happened to me as well so I tried my best to make it so it doesn’t lag. Not sure if it worked, I just used the spawning method which works for the bricks and doesn’t have lag. Also I removed sound from the fracture ball so it shouldn’t lag at all.
Also I beefed up the bomb ball since it exploded every five seconds, usually when it was up against the wall, so I made it that it explodes when it collides with a brick, but then has a cooldown so the bomb ball is actually useful now.

Also here is the original ball bounce simulator that I made on an older account. If you want to see what all has changed then try this cringe out, lol:


Also, what should the secret ball’s art look like? I currently have it looking like glowbug’s design except the black is replaced with red, but I want it to look like a very unique ball that you get for buying every other ball five times. Or like an Easter egg.
@glowbug I was going to use your design, but the other balls keep knocking it off of the wall and it just slowly drifts through the air, unable to shoot so I had to use a unique idea where after it hits the wall it will face towards the nearest block and fire towards it. Then it bounces around like a normal ball until it his the wall again. So I have the design down, but I need to know what the art looks like, something that kinda symbolized the entire game.

Got it, if you want I can defiantly fix that problem pretty quickly but if you like the target the nearest brick idea then that’s fine,
I’ll make a few sprites in like an hour or so, maybe sooner, then maybe you can find one you like or get some inspiration from it.

To MS Paint I go~

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I took a quick look and I see the problem with it.
The part that’s for the speed of the ball isn’t being stopped when it collides with the wall.
If you want I can try to dissection what I made and try to make it easier to see the different functions.

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Game’s looking great! Love that the pattern for the bricks change (thanks lol).

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Updates, I’m sooooo rich.


You probably don’t have too. I might just end up sticking with what I got since it’s very overpowered, plus is a system similar to yours except its automated, lol.

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Really like this game guys!

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Thank you. Yeah I plan on adding maybe ten or so different patterns (which there’s only two so far, but that way the game won’t be boring. Plus I can’t wait to start adding achievements and maybe I’ll add different save slots, which can allow you to have multiple games at once, but for this being a small game I’m not sure if I’ll add that though, but its a future possibility. I plan on making this game a little bit more enjoyable. (Definitely adding some more money upgrades soon.

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Yeah, since I made money saving a thing I kept play testing it and got like 20,000 in under 10 minutes and I was just testing out the new ball, lol.

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