Bored Game Jams! - SUBMIT YOUR GAMES NOW!!!

Make sure to put finished Jams below Announcement! This week’s theme is Plat-former!

3 days, counting today, till the jams are due! Get ready!


My fellow Bored Judges, @“JR 01” and @ToastMaster64 need room so they can rate games, so try to get them in as early as possible so they can rate it! Thanks, and good luck!

@“JR 01” @rcreger

I think it time for an official point system! Games will be based upon the following subjects.

Graphics: This category is based on, the quality of the graphics, and the effort that went into the graphics. This category is out of 10 points.

Sound: Category for music and effects. This category is out of 10 points.

Game play: Is the game fun, does it fit with the category, is there anything unique about the game? This category is out of 15 points.

Mechanics: Is there any bug/glitches, are the mechanics helpful and or related to the theme, menu’s also fall under this category. This category is out of 15 points.

Overall: Final message and the total of points earned out of 50.

Since this is rcregers discussion, ill have to get these approved by him (because it does break some of the things he mentioned). I say we make a group (on flowlab) where we consult and decide the winner of the Jam.

@rcreger can i be a judge?

Yes, you may @lolpinkshep . I have the rules for the Bored Judges in the description. Good luck!

And that seems to work, though I did originally have it out of 10, but it could work. I’d just need @“JR 01” and @lolpinkshep to agree with the style.

Bored Game Jams!

2 more days, guys! This Sunday, @ToastMaster64 @“JR 01” and @lolpinkshep will judge the submissions, so get ready, and get sending! Good luck!

Hey @meburningslime are you still planning on submitting?, the ending is glitched and i’ve tried, and tried to fix it, but it wont work, so if you want the secret ending, the press Cntrl and Space at the same time.

@ToastMaster64 's “Bored jam: week 1” game (he used the name of the Jam, I know, but it is the game that counts). I will be using the template set by him as well:

Graphics (Rating out of 10)- Hosts of many visual properties of Temple Runner Retro, but a bit downgraded (for menu). Though the look of the title, in the menu, looks decent, but unlike the original game, lack in movement. Has a lot of default sprites with some edits to them. But for the some sprite that were custom (such as the spring), they looked very well made along with their appropriate animation. Graphics rating: 6/10.

Sound (Rating out of 10)- Very strange music for this type of game, but is not boring, and gives it some energy. There seems to be sound affects everywhere as you jump, hit coins, and hit the bounce pads, making this more interesting and more fun to play. Sound rating: 8/10.

Game Play (Rating out of 15)- The game play varies, as you can do many things in it. You can push down logs down slopes, get keys to unlock areas to get more coins. Overall, it was very fun to play. Dodging the enemies, and not exactly knowing what will be coming up next made this feel exciting! Game Play rating: 14/15.

Mechanics (Rating out of 15)- There is also varying controls in this, as Shift will enable a sprint, though it is a bit of a killer for the player, as it would be harder to maneuver with the speed. However, there is a very helpful double jump included for the player to reach higher places, which is a great addition to the controls. Mechanics rating: 12/15.

Overall rating: 40/50, with subtraction of 10 points, highest subtraction from Graphics rating. It was enjoyable to play, very exciting, and the sounds and music make it even more so. The controls felt great, were easy to use, and made the Game Play even better. But with those, there was some minuses with each of those, and a big minus on the graphics, as they could be more original or more though out and fitting, as the background and the default didn’t quite mix. But overall, 40/50 = 4/5. Not bad. Let’s see the others! Keep on sending!

Yes hanks for the review!

@ToastMaster64 hanks for the review hihi


This weeks jams, Plat-Former, will be moved to next week! This should give you more time to work on your games, and more time for the Bored Judges to rate the games! Thanks for understanding, and good luck with the submissions!


GAME REVIEW with the collaboration of bored review, L.A.W.K.S RD mini reviews and JR 01 the flowlab wizard to make THE BORED GAME JAMS confetti

im making a review its in the works

Which review are you working on @lolpinkshep ?

Also, if you haven’t already seen from my other discussions, I will be wishing all a Happy Easter! Have a great day, and don’t forget the Bored Jam for the plat-former game has been moved to NEXT SUNDAY! Can’t wait to see you games there, and good luck!

Bored Reviews Game of the Week: The end is coming!

Game of the Week: Week Ten is here! It will be a total of THREE weeks for you guys to send in games for it in Bored Reviews, and any games her, in Bored Game Jams, will also be reviewed for the Game of the Week! You have been given enough time for it, so good luck! All of these ten selected games from the past ten weeks will be sent in for the Game of the Week Championship! Here is the link if you plan to send a game specifically for the review:

Thanks, and good luck!

@ToastMaster64 's “Bored jam: week 1” game:

Graphics 5/10:
I can’t give too much for the originality. Most of the graphics are either from a previously made game (temple runner retro) or from the templates. The few Original sprites are well made, but also a bit too simple. The point of any Jam is originality, using pre-made sprites defeats the purpose. Using enemies that looks like rewards can be dis-heartening for the player to look for treasure in the first place. Great use of layering in the game world to keep objects in front.

Sound 7/10:
Sounds go with all that the player does: walking, jumping and collecting items. These are well done, but there are plenty of miss-opportunity for other objects.There are no sound for the enemies or for killing them; no sounds for the player when you die; no sounds for the log; no sound for the goal. Great use in music, let alone original music not from flowlab.

Game-play 12/15:
Game-play and puzzles are original. Using keys can be confusing for what it’s used for, such as closing a door. Calling the blocks a door is a misinterpretation for how they are used later in the game (Lv.3). learning how inconsistent the double jump is needed to pass Lv.2. After leaning the potential of the double jumps make the springs useless for the player as a source of jumping (Lv.3). Springs in Lv.3 are still usable after they fall. Excellent use of slopes and springs in Lv.4. The use of activating of sprint in mid-air makes some parts easier than it should normally. The secret ending is good, but I feel like the artifacts could have a more important role in the game as well.

Mechanics 12/15:
Keys are a great use in the game, but knowing how to appropriately use them needs to be learned. They may better be interpreted as a one-way switch. The sprint function can make the game easier than the game was meant for, such as getting to hard to reach places and skipping parts of the level. The sprint key also has the keyboard lock bug, as in the use of shift is inverted if you die while holding it. The use of the log is a key role in the game and the mechanics between the log and slopes creates better game-play. Springs works as intended and effects multiple objects in the game. An enemy gets stuck in level 3 for turning around from a “door” block.

Overall 36/50:
A higher score would be applied if graphics were unique for the Jam. The game is overall enjoyable with some learning needed. Controls are solid as well as game-play. The puzzles were fun to solve, making this a great long term game. More mechanics and features could be added, but overall is great.The secret ending is a nice little feature.

Thanks for the review! I forgot to add a function so that you cant sprint mid-air :frowning: .

come on @“JR 01” you forgot technologically advanced (also can i call you JR the wizard)