Cotton Game Jam 2

i think the main reason i failed this jam is because of the long time limit

Well Because I am going somewhere far away to meet my relatives. That why I said, I could just let @Qwen do it so its due on Nov 19.

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i really hate jams with long time limits because they make me lose motivation and burn out extremely quickly

Wait @CodeAlpaca is participating correct, then how are they also a judge???

It depends on your time.

That doesn’t seem that fair tbh

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ayo what?
@CodeAlpaca are you a player or a judge??
you can’t be both

huh? This is very confusing. Well because I think no one else wants to be judge. So CodeAlpaca will be Judge and player I guess…

I can be a judge since I dropped out

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Well we are low on players. It would be too easy for a win

i honestly shouldn’t have participated in this jam in the first place

Well That was honest. But lets all calm down here.

So can I?

Ok I got this. For you @paisleypug I could lower the deadline more to Thuresday if you want and For you @Pixel_Name1 Yes you can be Judge, But first we need @CodeAlpaca To confirm if he is a player or Judge.

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But this would also ruin other players plans.

why would i want this??!?!?!??!?

Well you did say you hate long deadlines.

Honestly, I made the deadline long to give people time to make their games and stuff.

yea, that’s why i said i shouldn’t have participated

i have NEVER succeeded in a long jam, even in the flowjam i threw my game together in like 2 days and then finished it on the last day