CubeTales (And NeoMetal) Series Lore

Same. I just watched this video yesterday and now I’m glad my Gamougg wiki was deleted (I still have no idea why).

I say, go for it. At the very least, Fandom has annoying, incredibly intrusive ads.

I’ll make the new Gamougg wiki on one of those sites soon enough.


I think I’ll go with, since it’s more geared towards games in genral.


Just submitted the request, let’s see how it goes.


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It’s coming along, stay tuned.

If anyone wants to be an admin in it let me know and I’ll PM you.

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While the wiki’s coming along, I decided a planet naming scheme:

Two letters, followed by 3 numbers, followed by a varying set of numbers.

Ex. Crimson would be TE-105-100, and Tarranus would be DS-102-100

The letters represent the climate of the planet (can be multiple if it varies depending on location).

TE means temperate, DS means desert, etc.

The next 3 numbers are just to determine when that planet was found (starts from 100, so 101 = 1st of its kind).

Next numbers show the average spread of climates:

Taking Crimson as an example, the TE in front and the 100 in back means it’s a 100% temperate planet. If you have TE/DS in front and 30/60 in back, that would mean the planet is about 30% temperate and 60% desert.

Coming along…


Soon, like matter of days soon.

Heck, maybe even tonight.

(Someone please reply, I can’t send any more messages)



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Thanks a ton!

The wiki is live!

I’m still gradually migrating all the lore over to there, so it’s relatively barebones for now.


Finally, now I can understand the lore without having to read through this whole topic. :+1:



What did you do…I don’t know if I want to click that link

oh blank page

It’s just an empty page.

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I didn’t do anything. I’m just excited for what you have in store (or should I say lore) for that character.


Wait was there ever a circle-like character in Cubetales? I never really pay attention to the lore.


There are a bunch of characters I made for the series [a long time ago] that weren’t made [fully] canon in the lore, or might not be canon anymore. One of these characters is the red circle boss from CubeTales 2 that was a red monster circle. He was a boss in CubeTales 2. I remember that in the recent CubeTales 2 remastered update that I started earlier this year and didn’t finish (yet), I changed this circle boss to be a humanoid being made up of circles, like instead of his whole body being a circle itself, it was multiple circles forming the shape of a bipedal creature.

TL;DR, yes there was a circle like character in CubeTales.


I would like to introduce people to the concept of what an interquel is in case they don’t know and also because it is cool. An interquel is a sort of cross between prequel and sequel. As you may already know, a prequel comes after and takes place before something while a sequel comes after and takes place after something. An interquel is just like a sequel, but instead of it being one it takes place before one. Like it’s in between a thing and a sequel. A recent example of this is the game Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which comes in between Marvel’s Spider-Man [PS4] and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 [PS5].

How does this relate to CubeTales? Well, CubeTales 2 is a game, and CubeTales: Sparks of War takes place AFTER CubeTales 2, but BEFORE CubeTales 3! That means that CubeTales: Sparks of War is an interquel.


Would it still be considered an interquel if there’s content that takes place in the middle of just one story?

For example, I have several short stories I had written that are only a single moment during a larger book. So it’s not in between two larger quantities, but in between just one.


I’m not entirely sure, but I would say no. Unless the short stor(y/ies) you wrote are released in the middle of the larger book, or unless the larger book is split into two or more releases, I don’t think the short stories would be considered interquels. But again, I’m not too sure and this concept is really simple but just as hard to explain.