Damage not adding up

  1. You would make a new object and name the type “Bullet Parent”.
    Don’t add this object to the game.
  2. Then in the knife object, go to parent and set Bullet Parent as the Parent.
  3. Use a collision in the Enemy objects and set the collision to Bullet Parent.

So whenever you make a new bullet type for different towers, you just set the parent to Bullet Parent. The enemy will recognize the collision between the different bullet types.


I’m not sure if I did it right, or what this fixes.

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A parent was a suggestion, but I was saying it would be better to use collision in the enemies instead of mailboxes for damage.


It’s a great idea, but I’m just not sure how to make the enemy know what it’s being hit by.

Send a message which is a number value based on damage, into a number set and get to + the health.

If each bullet type has a different effect/damage, then you may need to just have a bundle for each collision type.


I have a new dilemma, the enemies die and send a signal to the spawner Gen 1. But the signal is doubled, so every death counts as 2.

I have a feeling that it may be a double spawn issue.

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Now it’s adding by 5, I’m very lost.

When I did this for spawn, it adds by 1.
(Timer is set to 0)

Also on a side note, every time I enter the game, it says network error.
It seems the “/Water Blender” and “.Enemy ID” art isn’t loading correctly.

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Got to looking around why the value would be stacking like that.
All 5 bundles in your Spawn Operator is outputting spawn. Each bundle uses the same mailboxes and messages that get sent at the same time.


Wait yeah, I’m stupid
Any idea why the projectiles aren’t colliding now, It’s a parent object, but it was working before.

Projectiles are working for me

Sorry, the problem is that they have infinite pierce, they should be destroyed when colliding with an enemy, but they do not.

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I see, this is because you’ve made an enemies parent, but none of your enemies are set to this parent.

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