(Dont click fixed now)

Sorry for being a stupid idiot and not knowing how behaviors work. :sleepy:

Thatā€™s not true, you tried your best, thatā€™s all that matters, donā€™t doubt yourself.

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Thanks but I still kinda wasted peopleā€™s time so sorry about that :slightly_smiling_face:

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Iā€™m gonna just stay in my lane and work on art for the game and leave the smart stuff to you guys :upside_down_face:

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Im so done with this game im deleting it.

Wait, Iā€™ve almost figured it out

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Okay ill wait.

Donā€™t you dare :upside_down_face:

Iā€™m fairly certain this is it

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okay ill try and fix that. should i replace those with a global or what should i do?

Your code is pretty complex so Iā€™m not really sure what everything does. You might want to use a seperate message or something tied to a different event. Donā€™t know how youā€™d accomplish that though. Youā€™d know better since itā€™s your game

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Okay iā€™ll try and replace that with a global.

Good luck with that :+1:

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A mood lightener before you do that
Discobot just told me I have depression, so thatā€™s fun :upside_down_face:

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It worked!!! Thanks BitWit! How can i ever repay you?!


Yay you figured it out


Awesome, glad I could help you figure it out! That was a harder one to figure out since there was so much going on, though Iā€™m sure if JR 01 had time, he wouldā€™ve figured it much quicker than me. Trust me, thereā€™s no need to repay lol



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I just got off work, well done BitWit.
I tip my hat to you. ļ½„(ļæ£ā–½ļæ£)o


Another face bites the dustā€¦