Escape the Rewind - JR 01

Escape the Rewind is now available on Itch and Newgrounds.



Game Jolt:


Nice! can I download it on itch?

oh, I can. I’ll donate a bit.

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Thanks @F3Art it means a lot, donations are always optional.
I also just made a Game Jolt page with downloadable packages.

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You made a custom phone case if I remember correctly lol

Oh yeah, I forgot my teetree account.
Last I checked you cant get my logo anymore, but I plan to make other designs.

I saw a phone case I could buy with your logo on it a while ago.

Congrats on releasing Escape The Rewind! It’s such a cool game and it’s deserved all the attention it’s gotten. It’s incredible to see how far it’s come :smiley:


Quick mention, Escape the Rewind was added to the front page for Newgrounds.


nice job! It’s my first time seeing a flowlab game on the front page.

I just saw it before I went on the forums


Update 9/18/21:

  • Added a notice splash screen
  • reset rewinds before checkpoint or Anchor

This is really just stuff for Newgrounds, many many MANY people say the game is broken then works when they download it. This is because games on web browsers takes a lot more memory than a downloaded version (as well needs more internet to load). Even so, its not likley for this game ro load on a computer with 4GB of RAM. Rewind reset on first death was also a suggestion on Newgrounds, and was really good idea… and was surpisingly easy to add in, just I didnt touch the game for a while…


Nice! I’m happy to see this game continue to get love. I wouldn’t expect this game to be that RAM heavy, so maybe I need to look into this a little?

I just did this quick test:

  1. Switched to my super-overloaded Mac Mini that has 4 GB of RAM, and was already running Android Studio, which was using pretty much all available memory.

  2. Fired up Safari (that took a while…)

  3. Went and played this game on Newgrounds

The game actually loaded fine, and while it was a bit laggy, it wasn’t very bad, and that’s pretty expected when running on a machine under this much memory pressure. I wonder what they mean by “broken”? Have you experienced it not loading on Newgrounds @JR01 ?


The game runs fine just like how it runs on Flowlab, but I’ve had some low end laptops where games either runs very laggy or not at all. Most of the complaints from not being able to wall jump, but this mostly comes down to lag. But 4/5 I’m told the game actually works better with it downloaded.