what do you losers think of my (f)art
kind of want to make a game with that 8bit tile set
theres a few things that i dont know what they are
like whats the blue stuff with the white outline
I assumed it was water or something Just found it odd that its in a block shape
I couldn’t tell you.
I wouldn’t tell someone who called me a loser. Lol.
really, you’re offended by the word loser?
No, but it seems strange to call people losers when you don’t even know if they lost anything.
it’s just a joke ok? loser has kinda lost all meaning to me, i’ve been called way worse
I’m just saying, some people might be snowflakes and take that word seriously. Nice art by the way.
It’s not that it’s offensive, but I feel that categorizing everyone on the forums that isn’t entirely a good greeting when asking for feedback.
You may have been called worse and the word “loser” may not have any meaning to you, but if someone goes out of their way to immediate name call someone without proper reason, then I’ll go out of my way to just ignore them with proper reason.
oh god we got a republican out here (no offense I’m just joking)
Why do you all think I will take offense to whatever you say?
(I won’t)
Good to know you’re joking though, Lol.
yeh i always have to let peeps know if I’m joking its hard to get tone on the internet
I get that.
this is a real tragedy.
Ok, ok. Sure, it’s a tragedy but it’s also WAY off topic.