but seriously though, is this game dead?
Please say no
@Recryptech? where did you go?
Definitely not. It’s just on hiatus as I improve my own systems and skills. I’ve been spending a ton of time working on Recryptext which started as the result of the need for better text management in Flowlab. Recryptext has become a much larger project than I imagined it would. Now that I’m offering it as a tool to the community, I would like to make sure it’s in a very good spot before I start using it officially and let it be for everyone else to use.
Flow of Feelings is a pretty long term project, so I would like to continue to not announce any kind of release estimates as it evolves and changes. I know that’s disappointing, but as more info comes along, I’ll be sure to let everyone know
ah I see, and btw are you making a game for flowjam 2025?
Aw man. Ive been hoping flow chan was gone. Now shes going to remind me of what i did back in 2015 september 12 on friday 2:45 pm
I’m trying to make a visual novel myself, how do you make text boxes n stuff?
It’s not particularly easy depending on how fancy you want to get with it. If you want to get started, I have a bundle that handles custom text and labels. Here you can find the code and some examples: 📚 RecrypText Label Bundle - V1.3
You can also try pairing the default “label” behavior to a text box object for simpler approaches
hi @Recryptech! its good to see you today! also, are you still working on this game? (I am just excited to play this for some reason.)
woah, that is actually cool!
you are amazing recryptech! how are you so good at flowlab?
@Recryptech is that going to be the logo for the game? I wonder if the game will release on April fools day of this year or the next. also, your close to getting the amazing topic badge or whatever its called. (sorry for typing you a paragraph)
Thank you, I put a lot of effort into my projects (Otherwise they never see the light of day lol). Really it’s just a mix of practice in a bunch of parts of game dev. Put in the time and I promise anyone can do what I do
More or less. Nothing is final
No spoilers!
It’s pretty exciting! We’ll have to do something special if we ever hit that milestone
I wish I was as good at flowlab as you. also, your really cool imo/
starman is my father
that is cool yet also slightly dark.
Memento Mori very silly