Flowjam 2020 Aftermath: Creating The Mending

Great, I am really excited to see the classes that you can select!

is there anything you want me to do kodex?

listen, I know this isn’t really relevant, but could u guys check out my SCP: World’s End game? I just started on it but I think you’ll like it.

@meburningslime I will tommorow

YeS mAsTer

what should my reaction be to this… :anguished: …? http://forum.flowlab.io/discussion/8415/witherdragon4-fan-club

New account lost my computer srry guys hope you believe me

@Wlitherdragon4 ok, ask grazer for a password reset.

i found my computer so im back

I know @meburningslime mentioned you, but You kinda don’t have to bring back a 2 month old discussion @witherdragon4.

barely anyone has played any of my games im sad

@ManiacPumpkin i wasnt keeping track of time sorry

Make posts about them, have them reviewed, there are many things you can do to advertise or have poeple play your games

thanks i have a question @the_kodex

@witherdragon4 sorry, I looked back at my comment and realized that it sounded a bit mean, I meant for it to be funny since it’s been almost two months before anyone actually said anything. I can understand if no one talks about the game and stuff. I only have like three people talking about mine on a discussion, but no one new is arriving (Which can be a bit sad) but once you game is finished, you might get a lot more attention. Usually how it works. :smile:

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kodex can we make grass and the path a game world block so i can make sounds for walking on them and also this is some good pixel art who made it?

can i have help with my character diamond bat in the grass adventure it wont flip when it hits the wall how do i fix that? this game is conusing :expressionless:

You don’t need to make the same reply on every discussion. Just make a new one and ask your discussion there. Also, you need to provide a link to said game, because I have no idea what you are talking about.

k sorry about that i dindnt know

hey guys i have a discussion for helping out with the invasion the link to the game is in it and it has a link to my newest discussion that you should really check out I need help for the improving the infection