Flowjam 2020 Discussion [Winner Announced]

can i have some custom code @grazer :frowning: the ui uses a different layer of coords so my compass doesnt work :frowning:

Hey @meburningslime - Iā€™m sure me (or someone) can help, but make a new thread for that please :slight_smile:

Good Luck to all contesters - though i hope i win, im thirteen and spending everyday and all day (partly in school thanks to chromebooks required in classes) on this. Hope I win. And If i donā€™t - I hope someone who put equal effort into this wins!

Iā€™ve been too busy/sick to work on my game lately, so Iā€™ll probably forfeit. But Iā€™m excited to see other submissions, especially ones with a good story!

There are still a few days left @Luminous - and I hope youā€™re feeling better :slight_smile:

Well, looks like I overshot just a bit. I donā€™t know why I thought I could complete a game like this in less than a month, but, thereā€™s always next year! Right?
So, I throw in the towel, but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not working on the game! It just wonā€™t be a submission for Flowjam, since its completion wonā€™t be seen for a while. Good luck to all other contestors! May the dark/light be with you!
(Get it cause the themeā€™s dark and light, contrast and stuffā€¦ Nevermind)

I am just wasting my whole life on making my game. I wont forfiet lol

Hey, do you guys, know Brackey? He did one which theme was darkness and light, too!

@grazer When will you be able to submit your game?

@Battery - I just updated the site. Submissions are open now :slight_smile:

Also, anyone who submits a game will be able to vote on the winner, and voting is live as well (once some games get submitted, anyway).

You can still continue to work on your game once itā€™s submitted, up until Tuesday night.

Hey, @grazer! Now, I hate to do this, since itā€™s not really related, but, itā€™s still important. Iā€™ve created a survey/contest as well, and itā€™s actually really important for the sake of my games. But, weā€™ve only had two submissions so far, each by the same person. I only have a few ideas as of how, but Iā€™d really like it if you could help me spread the word, and get more people to willingly take the survey. Itā€™s pretty important for ViperTeck. Still got three or so years, but the sooner we can get results, the sooner we can be prepared for the future.
Hereā€™s the survey: https://forms.gle/2vL6sNEPLsUktrHo9

Does it have to be or feel finished? Cause I didnā€™t have that much time for it because of life.

Hey @gamerztrio - there is no rule that it has to feel finished :slight_smile:

Also, you still have today and tomorrow to work on it if you want.

@Grazer do u get extra points if it is

@meburningslime - there are no ā€œpointsā€, anyone who submits a game can vote on the winner.

@grazer itā€™s saying I have no games to submitā€¦ not sure if youā€™re aware of this issue.


@bmarzi4 & @browngr - this was just reported in Discord. It should be resolved now if you want to try again. Thanks for reporting it!

All good now, thanks.

Oh, @grazer I was sighing because of my comment. Itā€™s kind of important, which is why after a wait, it seemed kind of ignored. So, Iā€™ll just copy it over here:
Hey, @grazer! Now, I hate to do this, since itā€™s not really related, but, itā€™s still important. Iā€™ve created a survey/contest as well, and itā€™s actually really important for the sake of my games. But, weā€™ve only had two submissions so far, each by the same person. I only have a few ideas as of how, but Iā€™d really like it if you could help me spread the word, and get more people to willingly take the survey. Itā€™s pretty important for ViperTeck. Still got three or so years, but the sooner we can get results, the sooner we can be prepared for the future.
Hereā€™s the survey: https://forms.gle/2vL6sNEPLsUktrHo9