Flowlab Community Roleplay/Flowdnd

the CEO of Racism starts shouting propaganda against Fortnite and Epic sends their security after them, but the CEO kills them all.
“I need to stop him” Bob thought.


Bob thinks and thinks then just decides to go outside and start a street fight with him

CEO of Facism “:sword me”
The CEO strikes Bob with his new Roblox sword, dealing (1x2)²-2 damage.

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Bob begins charging Summon Nightmares
(Charge 1 of 3)

CEO of Facism isn’t gonna wait and begins to slash repeatedly. Now Bob is on 132 layers of irony and has 12 health remaining.

Bob dash’s on to a nearbye building and uses Living Nightmare
( Living Nightmare : Blinds all of the enemys and lowers there stats for 3 turns.)

The CEO of Facism attacks again. He’s much weaker and blinded thanks to Bob’s Living Nightmare, so he barely lands one hit, dealing 2 damage.

Suddenly, the Epic Games HQ explodes and a war begins.

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Now Bob feels safer and Bob begins charging Summon Nightmares
(Charge 2 of 3)


CEO attacks but fails


Bob finishes and casts Summon Nightmares
(Charge 3 of 3)!!!
3 globs rise out of the ground!!
Creepy Creature Stats:
Health: 30
Night Slash: Deals 25 Damage
Spook: Lower a targeted enemys damage stat by 10 for 5 turns.
All of the creatures fire night slash at the CEO -75 hp

The villainous CEO can see again! He yells slurs at the creepy creatures of Bob and destroys them all. 30 splash damage

Bob decides to use Nightmaric Ooze!!
Nightmaric Ooze: Bob turns into a blob of nightmares if touched or attacked deals 20 damage to who ever attacked lasts 3 turns

CEO of Facism dies. The CEO of Racism appeared and disappeared just as fast. Bob was stunned. He then tried to help the people rebuild after Epic Games was destroyed. The CEO of Racism then dropped an ominous note saying that he had terminated the Facism CEO for impersonating him and then walked away. Bob stared off into the distance after reading the note.

The End

By the way, this takes place in 2025 and is canon to Gamougg lore. I hope you had fun playing!

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Nice, pretty small but goofy and fun :slight_smile:

:sunglasses: :muscle: :grinning:
thanks I thought it was nice too

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jhon, your multiplayer STINKS! you cant tell whos who!

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thats rude :skull:

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sorry, i am just very confused, we all need a flowlab evolved remake


@paisleypug @John_Shrekinson @JUSTPLAINOP @BeesyBee @DWGAMEMASTER @ARRTY
anybody want to yknow dnd?

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