Flowlab Community Roleplay/Flowdnd

Whom do you address?

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thy’ john of the shrekinson

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@BeesyBee @JUSTPLAINOP @paisleypug @John_Shrekinson any of you up to dnd?

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Sure, I’ve got some time.

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(I might have a bit. But, as always, I need to write at least a page of my book and update my Flowjam game. I had no time to during work.)

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if we do dnd who wants to be DM? (not me pls)

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sure, why not @paisleypug i summon you!

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I’m roleplaying with others currently so not me.

we never did my idea

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ok you be DM


Bob is a living nightmare.
creepy smile

Swallow: Consumes the targetted enemy in to a dark abyss for 2 turns.
Living Nightmare: Blinds all of the enemyies and lowers there stats for 3 turns.
Aura of Death: Deals 50 damage to anything that gets close to Bob for 3 turns.
Nightmare Shakles: Target an enemy and attach them with magic shakles. If Bob takes damage while
he is using his shakles the shakled enemy will also take damage.
Nightmaric Ooze: Bob turns into a blob of nightmares if touched or attacked deals 20 damage to who ever attacked him. Lasts 3 turns.
Summon Nightmares: Summons 3 creepy creatures (3 Charges)
Creepy Creature Stats:
Health: 30
Night Slash: Deals 25 Damage
Spook: Lower a targeted enemys damage stat by 10 for 5 turns.

Health: 150
Wisdom (Smart): 45
Dexterity (Agility in hands or Body): 3
Charisma (Charm): -10
Crit chance 10%
Crit Multiplyer: x2

This is my character.

yeah i wanna do the gamougg one

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alrighty you are the DM

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oh idk how to do that maybe we’ll just do dwgame’s idea

what do you mean you do not know? You basically tell the story and say what happens and what happens during fights.




Oh ok alright thanks.

The CEO of Facism was hitting the griddy while saying racial slurs online under a seeminlgy impenetrable disguise. After a long hard day of offending people and gaining capital and votes so that he could get elected and spread his ideology, the CEO went to bed. When he awoke the next morning, he dyed his hair black in a blind fit of rage. He couldn’t find his Fortnite V-bucks anywhere! More importantly to him, he just received an email from Epic Games saying he was banned from Fortnite for discrimination!

The CEO of Facism would not tolerate this. He then prepared to storm Epic Games HQ, where Bob the living nightmare worked as a paid intern.


Bob will NOT stand for this Bob needs the big bucks so he can buy a steam deck.
Bob prepares for a fight



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