Flowlab dnd 2 electric boogaloo

@DeadlyGumChewer (your turn)

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Boba looks around, and takes out his gun. Before he leaves the building he is currently in he finds a random cowboy hat and puts it on.


In front of you see another man(Alexander W aka Justplainop)
What do you both do? (No turn order)

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Boba raises his gun and asks "Who are you!? What is this place?!

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Alexander W:

He spun around and drew his own pistol, in one fluid movement.
“Lower your gun, and I’ll answer.”

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The sound of your talking alerts something nearby. You can hear it growl.

(My tun still, or Deadly Smile’s?)

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Your turn

Alexander W:

Turns to face both potential threats.
“Show yourself!”
To the first figure: “What was that?”

“I believe that whatever that was it could blow both our brains up.” Boba then raises his ray-gun at whatever made the growling sound. “Honestly I think we should both shoot it.”

Alexander W:

Seeing no threat in the words, Alexander turned full-on to face the growling noise.

(Pug, any updates on the monster?)

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A creature steps in front of both of you.

It is humanoid, metallic and light purple. It seems to have 6 holes on it’s head instead of eyes. The holes are emmiting fog.
In it’s chest is embedded a notebook.


“Actually… I think we should run.” Upon saying that, Boba puts his gun away and runs away as fast as he can.

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You can see the creature scribble the word ‘‘CRUSH’’ inside of it’s notebook. A massive boulder then lands right in front of Boba.

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Alexander W:

He flinched from the near impact, a lump in his throat. Without hesitation, he ran. He ran as if all the fiends of heII were at his heels.

“What the heck!? Where’d this come from?” Boba decides to take out his ray-gun again and points it at the monster’s notebook. “I think we should shoot the notebook first before attacking it!”

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The creature looks at both of you in the eyes and says:
‘‘I won’t let you get away’’
It then scribbles the word ‘‘ENTOMB’’ in it’s notebook and shortly after Alexander W finds himself inside of a coffin. The coffin seems to materialize around him.

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Alexander W:

With catlike reflexes, he tries to leap away, but he was too late. The coffin materialized around him, trapping him. He feels the coffin fall on its side and fires his pistol. The combined impacts worked to create a large hole, large, but not large enough for him to slip through.

“Run, I’m relatively safe in here!”

“I don’t think running will work!” Boba points his ray-gun at the monster’s notebook again and shoots.

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