Flowlab dnd 2 electric boogaloo

The ray hits the notebook and burns a hole through it, the creature shrieks in pain and anger.


The being shrieks:
It then writes the word ‘‘PULL’’ in it’s notebook, shortly after both of you are violently ripped toward the creature, the coffin suddenly dematerializes.

You are both left prone on the ground, the creatures eyes are filled with malice, as it begins writing ‘‘DETONATE’’ in it’s notebook, when suddenly, before it can write the final E of DETONATE, 2 disks are slowly pulled out of the back of the creature’s head and it falls down on the ground limp.
You sense another presence.


Alexander W:

He stayed still as a stone, fighting the unbearable urge to tun and look. With the hand that was concealed under his body, he drew his long-bladed knife.

“I hope whoever this new guy is that they won’t try to kill us.” Boba prepares his ray-gun.

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You hear a voice say. You two are too weak to be of any trouble. The presence seems to disappear, along with the fog.


The body of the creature seems to still be twitching, clinging to life.


Alexander W:

“In the name of all that’s Holy, WHAT THE BLAZES JUST HAPPENED?!”

Before the notebook-creature gets up, Boba takes the notebook and rips it up, he then takes out his ray-gun and shoots it until it becomes ashes. “Now the creature should be dead. Or at least not able to attack us anymore.”

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The creature manages to shriek the words ‘‘YOU WILL REGRET THIS’’ at you.


so uhh?

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Alexander W:

“Yeah, sure I will.”

He says, aiming his pistol and firing at the creature’s head. After five rapid-shots, he finally relented and walked away.

Bile leaks from the creature’s head. You are mostly sure it is dead.

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(Eww, you had to say that, didn’t you.)

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"Ok, now that it’s dead… what do we do now? I do have to fix my gun. It usually could switch to other things it could shoot when I turn this gear but the gear is rusty and won’t turn. If it wasn’t rusty I might’ve been able to freeze that notebook-thing.

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Alexander W:

"There should be a blacksmith’s shop close by. "

(We should stop now, Pug needs to go to bed. It’s already 11 PM for him.)

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Actually it’s 10 PM
Let’s continue


“It’s ok, I just need to find some very sharp rocks, and some broken chains.”

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As you talk, the town seemingly fades away. You are left in the middle of the dunes.


Alexander W:

“Well, good luck finding stones and chains now. What the heck is going on?!”