Flowlab dnd 2 electric boogaloo

As you stare into the landscape, you feel the urge to turn around.

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“I don’t know.” Boba picks up some sharp rocks. “Now I need some broken chains. Maybe some were in that town we were in. Actually I don’t need this stuff.” Boba takes out an extra gear from his pocket and replaces the rusty gear with it. “That’s better. Also what are we even doing as of right now?”.

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(Just a head’s-up, I might have to leave sometime soon.)

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(Yeah me too, I normally would start working on my game just about now.)

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You both suddenly and involuntarily turn around.
You see an Oasis in the distance, there is a chain tied around a massive oak tree sitting next to a beautiful, hot spring with rocks around it. The area around the hot spring and tree is beautiful and green, you are extremely tempted, you feel extremely dehydrated and dirty.


Alexander W:

“Just a second…”

He fires an explosive bullet at the tree.

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Actually, the bullet explodes, the tree is clearly singed. You feel sinful.


(Oh, ok. I thought it might be a mirage.)

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“Oh! Is this one of those ‘oasis’ things? I don’t really know. This is only like my 5th time on this planet.” Boba also shoots the same tree Alexander shot. “Also, I don’t think we ever properly introduced each other. I’m Boba.” Boba then puts his Ray-Gun away.

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The tree is singed yet again. You feel a deep sense of shame in your heart.

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Alexander W:

“I’m Alexander Elis WildWater. Why did you shoot the tree? I already confirmed that it isn’t a mirage.”

He Grabs a gadget at his belt, a grapple gun. Clipping it onto his arm, he points towards the oasis, “Come on, we don’t have all day,” and shoots. The winch inside of the mounted gadget reels the rope in and pulls Alexander towards the body of water.

As you rapidly approach the Oasis, you are filled with a deep bliss.

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(Darn it, now we’re both shameful sinners.)

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(Boba was technically already a sinner to begin with)

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The air seems to baptize you.

Since Boba was basically a big living Tapioca Pearl, he curls up his arms and legs and begins to roll to the oasis at high speeds. When he arrives, he sits down and begins gathering resources from the oasis to make something.

As you gather recourses, you feel a neutral presence.

Alexander W:

“Don’t look now, but we’re being watched. Fourth tree to the right, near the large bush.”

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“Of course. These ‘paradises’ have a catch.” Boba switches his gun to a freezing mode.

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As you bask in the Oasis and gather recources, from the mist forms the spirit of a young woman. She says: ‘‘And for all of that the bill will be 13,000$’’

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