Flowlab Kombat | Mortal Kombat but Flowlab

You did not just put the T for Teen logo in the title screen


Should I delete it? I just wanted to get the point across. And I drew it myself if you were wondering


Okay but srsly 13+ maybe???


Bruh there’s like almost no blood at all
That’s basically just like OoT being rated E for Everyone even though Ganondorf spits out a little bit of red blood at the end of the game


retro is back but not by default and can be toggled on and off


It’s literally advice, take it don’t hate it.

I have nothing against your idea or the game, I actually support making a triple A game in flowlab, pushing it’s limits as we know it. I just hate to see developers releasing a so called “beta” when it’s not in a playable state. For example, you released the game as ‘beta’ without the main mechanics being done, personally I get the mechanics and start art done before releasing a beta. To ensure and pull my users into a ‘game addiction trap’.

I just put Beta every time I have an unfinished game, kind of a habit


Then start working on breaking bad habits…?


It’s probably not even possible to create a “AAA” game in Flowlab. But some of the best games ever created were made long before there was even any concept of “AAA” games. Back then they were just games. And no they didn’t look beautiful. Most of them had really low end graphics. But they were fun. That’s the most important part of any game.

Making a perfect MK clone in Flowlab is probably not feasible… possible maybe, but probably not worth the time requirement because - at the end of the day, it’s not like you can sell it. Not legally anyway, after “borrowing” from so much copyrighted content… I mean, I could probably recreate the entire original Super Mario Bros. game using Flowlab, but that’s still technically somebody else’s intellectual property.

The Flowlab Kombat game here I look at as an unfinished inspirational example of what one could create using this website. Though a properly finished standalone game would need custom sprites and backgrounds, along with additional attacks for each character, some that would need to be properly timed and could be countered, etc.

But I can still appreciate this example for what it is - a very crude copy of a top selling game that was made in Flowlab without a large team of experienced game developers. It shows that Flowlab’s potential is not limited strictly to side scrolling jumping puzzles. :slightly_smiling_face:


@Agent_Y an original stage


Wow, @_GAMOOG I don’t know how I missed this epic project! Keep up the great work!


It’s not a bad habit if it’s not hurting anybody accept people who go out of their way to get hurt by it


#1 - DinoDev made a very good point, when the link was first put out, it did not work, simple at that

#2 - I mean, what Agent Y just said is 100% valid, you are completely ripping off Mortal Kombat, it’s not a remake if you just copy tiles and frames from the source lol

However, it is by no means a bad product as of now. But the feedback you just received isn’t them being jerks - it’s you not being able to take criticism


Yeah I’m just saying it’s not supposed to be a serious project, it’s just a “remake” we’re making for fun. We don’t need kriticism because it’s not an actual game we’re making. Also, every port of the old Mortal Kombat games uses the same sprites, just in different color pallets due to console restrictions.
So, like I said, just let us do our thing and stop criticizing it


I’m pretty sure they’re called kombattants


Wow! Thanks for reminding me/we if you’re talking to all the devs.

If it’s just for fun, and it’s not an ‘actual game we’re making’… then why post it on a game development specific forum, dedicated to giving feedback and answering questions?

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@browngr I didn’t even want to make a forum for it in the first place, we already had a PM for development.
Gamoog made the forum


Aaaaand there’s the flag lol