Flowlab RPG Devlog

Um, don’t you mean always? I genuinely hope that this one doesn’t have the same fate as all of the others.

I’ll try to keep this alive as long as possible ;-;

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I don’t actually know who Cuby is. I wouldn’t mind adding him/her/it into the RPG though!


Ello everyone! I have begun work on the battle system. In my last devlog, which was me making a Pokemon game, the battle system was incredibly annoying. This battle system is a lot more simplistic, so hopefully it won’t be too hard. I’m also planning out the map of the first world or level or whatever you want to call it.

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CubeTales Series Lore
original design:
nhgcr has more on his computer I believe


i have many games, you could add me as my avatar or one of my characters :smiley:


Well, I say usually because I honestly have no clue if any are still in production or have been abandoned. It’s safe to assume they were all voided, but I don’t exactly have the proof for it.


If you choose to not give Gamougg animations, could you give him the Emerald Warrior from my gamougg fangame as an alt. skin? He’s Gamougg’s ancestor and also named Gamougg.

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So Gamougg is Gamougg Jr


No he is Gamougg! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah I guess


Ello everyone! I have a basic battle system in place. Obviously I’ll improve it later, as the turn system is a little bit fast. I’m thinking of having a label show what type of attack the enemy will use, but I’m not sure if that would be useful enough to be put into the battle system. I’m also working on the map a bit, and planning out the first boss, either being Gamougg(I think i spelled correctly this time) or some kind of boss made of spaghetti code.

Its in the level titled ‘battle test’

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I can confirm with a quick forum search

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I would like the cheese sword to be a weapon/item please, if that’s okay.

Thanks for telling me! I will add it as some kind of item found in the later parts of the game, because something about the word cheese sword makes it sound really powerful and endgame-y for some reason.

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Yep, that’s true. The cheese sword is the most powerful sword in all of the Flowlab Game Creator universes, even surpassing the strongest swords of CubeTales and Gamougg lore.

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I do

I realized that the mouth would look kinda cursed if i ever went 3D with CubeTales lol

So I removed the mouth


thats why, i never knew