Game in development - We are back on track

Hey, Sans here. I have started the development of a new game, which I am excited to make. It includes one of the first dashes put into a full game here on flowlab. I know people have made this before, but I have never seen it be the central mechanic of a game here, or part of a large game here in general.

The game (I haven’t come up with a name) will be a fast paced platformer where you dodge through enemies and escape the Shadow realm.

I may also open up a discord server if this get’s more attention than I expect, but probably not.
Latest Update

See ya later,


Hey, new update on the game. The game is honestly really fun to play, and is even fun to just move around. Level 1 is nearing a finishing touch on the build side, it still needs some details. I might also add collectibles for completionists, (I can’t spell) so if you would like that…

  • Collectibles would be awesome, it would really add to the game!
  • I don’t think so, if the idea is to go fast and to not focus on details, it wouldn’t help.

0 voters

Also added:
Screenshake, you can’t not have screenshake.
And dash resets


Collectibles would be great for this type of game, it makes the player force decisions on themselves— ‘should I go for that collectible or no, do I need it or can I win without it, maybe later it will be useful?’, and those features always make a game fun (in my opinion).

Also, I was wondering if I could be a scene artist? I know I made a texture for you on discord and all but I’m not that great at tilesets or players but more on the environmental aspect of games. If you need an example of my work with scenic art: Flowlab Game Creator - Forever Night
(The game is not finished so don’t judge it on that aspect LOL)

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The thing is, I wasn’t planning on having this as some sort of currency, more of like the strawberries from celeste, or the cherries from pacman.

That games art is really good. You definitely got it down. I will give you the discord, team invite, and etc in about 30 mins. I will say unfourtnetly, I couldn’t use the tile, it didn’t really look that great tiled. I tried tweaking it to be a bit darker too, but it didn’t really work. Sorry :frowning:. You did say that you weren’t that great with tiles tho, so…


Yeah, I’m terrible with tiles LOL

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Bit of a requirement for the roles, you need discord. You don’t need to be a friend, or be on the flowlab server, but dm me on flowlab your discord info. After you get the role of course :slight_smile:


I am going to be gone for about an hour, no responses for now.

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Good luck with the project! Dino is good with art and coding, so he’ll be a great asset to your team. :+1:


Thanks @TGW, I really appreciate it. I hope this goes well :slight_smile:.


Thanks @TGW, well appreciated.

If you need any music @sans7657, feel free to DM me there too, as I’m well decent at making tracks of music for any style of game.

Thanks for the request Dinodev, but I think I already have a sound designer. I will have you as a back up tho if they can’t help.

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Alright, thanks for the reply!

I would like to join this project, but I don’t know what I could do because I am somewhat good at everything.

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I only need a texture artist now, can you show me one of your art pieces if you would like the position?


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I don’t download most of my textures and sprites, so to see my latest art you’d have to go on my pixilart or check out my newest games. I’m best at drawing guns, characters, and blocks in a 32x32 grid.


i would like to help


Hey, sorry for not responding. I was on a trip and couldn’t really talk, but now I am back.

@_GAMOOG These are pretty good! I do kinda want to wait because I want other people to have a fair chance. The main reason I chose Dinodev so quickly was because:
I have him on discord
I have seen his work before
I know he is capable of my goals

I am going to allow more people to try out.
@Sigma02 we have a texture artist role and level designer open, if you would like it, show some of your work please!



The first level is complete! I haven’t made a menu yet, but I plan to have 20 to 30 levels. It seems like a lot, but this is supposed to be a large project, so a lot of gameplay is needed. Unfortunately, one programmer isn’t enough. I will be hiring one level designer. This will be the last job needed, as nothing else is really needed. Thanks for the help everyone!



Halo Moa


Ooh, those are awesome too! Like I said, I am going to wait until tomorrow. Then I will pick someone.