Hold the Line - TD Game (Currently cancelled)

I saw a ton of TD games pop up suddenly within the past month and I’ve been working on one myself, which many of you may have already seen. So this will just be a basic discussion for holding updates and announcements over the games progression. It’s nothing much currently, but it will grow overtime.


From a troll-ish kind of way for a story about TD is that you basically come out rich in the beginning and destroy things to get money for a living while having the things you bought be taken away


Oh yeah btw the game is rlly fun, also are the bad things gonna be a green thing forever or you just didn’t do art for it yet?


Okay, so there isn’t any art for the enemies, which is why its just a green block now. Also I made it start with 5,000 cash so I can test out the different building’s upgrades. So the game is kinda broken right now, lol.
I might add a selling feature so you can get some money back when removing a building.


Update - 11/03/21

  • I removed the old enemy spawning system and started adding individual waves. Only Wave 1 and 2.
  • I redid the enemy pathing system so I can add variable speed with a new tower coming up soon
  • The path was changed to being a dirt path, do a small creek to use boat sprites as the enemies. Which the enemies still yet to have art.

Also would like to add a poll to this update to see if anyone would like to be notified for future updates, might be daily or weekly, whenever I get the chance.

  • Yes, I would like to be notified for updates
  • No, but I will watch your career with great interests

0 voters




great art and polishing! I can’t wait to play it
I’m glad so many people are making td games now lol


There’s been many TD games in the past month, but you know what I haven’t seen in any of them yet? Effects. — also a story. With your style of a game it could deal with something about a war—the men and woman are in battle towers defending their island fort.


That’s basically what I was going for, lol. I was wanting to add a simple story behind it to make it seem have more of a goal instead of just defending against waves. I might link it to some 1700’s American history of maybe a British Navy against American fortifications. But I’m not sure of the details yet.


Yeah, the defenses were giving a 1600s-1700s vibe.


Until you upgrade them to level 3, lol. Then it’s like the year 3000. I might end up changing that later on, I just kinda threw It together.


D seems to disagree with this one, having firsthand experience…

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Update - 11/04/21

  • I haven’t done much, but I have added three new stages going up to a max of 5 now.
  • The stages feature a new faster enemy which is a speed of 2, versus the one that the basic enemy is. Still no art yet, but someday.


  • I organized the waves into sections of five, so the first five waves are together and I also added two more stages introducing a new enemy that goes 3X speed and has more health.
  • Although it technically goes up to 10 waves, anything past 7 will just be repeats of waves 3, 4, and 5. Which I would continue working on it, but my iPad is at 5%.

@The_KWASM, @DeadlyGumChewer, @AbstractGallery, @DraftyScienceCoat75, @hihilogic, @00T_Free.


You’re not even going to ask to D is?


It hadn’t came to mind, but may I ask who D is?


Darrell Miamish, of course :upside_down_face:

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Because there was some use of the word Bruh in those times, you could make the story take place at a fictional-but-based-on-reality battle called “The Battle of Bruh Creek”.


:sob: lmao


Update - 11/09/21

  • So I was working in the game a little bit, trying to work on the new tower, but for some reason every sprite I open up in the art editor, it deletes the art. When i first got on, literally half of the art didn’t load, after refreshing, everything reloaded except for the new tower’s art and the upgrade sprite. @grazer?
  • Anyway i felt like today I just went backwards than I made progress today, since all of my art keeps deleting. I can’t work on anything since anything I open up deletes the art when I reload the page afterwards.

@The_KWASM, @DeadlyGumChewer, @AbstractGallery, @DraftyScienceCoat75, @hihilogic, @00T_Free.


that really sucks :frowning:

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